New Member
Well, doesn't the company's name say it all? New Wave TOYS? It's for kids... big kids... with money.It's still a lot cheaper than getting a good and functioning original which then doesn't even have bluetooth.
On my side it got at least better when I found out that I should put both antennas in direction of the best reception. First I just pulled them out to the left and to the right as seen on many photos. Reception was very weak here, too, then. When pointing to the same direction both antennas together gave at least an acceptable result but, yes, it could still be better after all. FM radio is not the best on this device.
Thanks for your reply, yes the FM on mine is not very good, but the AM and the sound from Bluetooth makes it a Keeper! Plus, the battery is amazing also...lasts forever. I also enjoy the "line input" on the back to plug in my older iPad from the headphone jack to M90 when watching/streaming TV/Sports/Movies from the iPad