The gems of my collection

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Member (SA)
Got a new box today!



It's a Sharp GF-8585. The overall condition is good - although there are some faults.

There is a dent on the right antenna, so it doesn't fold completelly (If someone has a spare one, PM me!). Cassette deck works completelly, but there is disturbing hum while playing. The hum goes away when the edit button is pressed down. Too bad the edit doen't stay down without a toothpick. Also the left channel is almost dead, but not completelly. Does anyone have any hints how to fix these? A few cosmetic faults are the chrome chipping from the tuner mode selector and the APLD light has dropped inside.

Otherwise the box feels really solid and it is heavy for it's size. :) Lovely midsize unit!


Member (SA)
Thanks AK47! Gotta take a group photo with all my hottest boxes some day. :) Now they are scattered all over this topic. :annoyed:


Member (SA)
Nice box - I dig the tuner dial color, makes a really nice colour composition all in all :thumbsup:

Is that your 6th box?


Member (SA)
MKS, this is actually my 9th box. I have 8 of them at home now:

Sanyo 920
Aiwa 926
Aiwa 950
Hitachi 8080
Hitachi 3D2
Sharp 8585
Sharp Qt27
Crown sz71

The Jetstar I gave to my dad, he uses it as a work radio in his office (will get it back some day). I would have 10 now, but I sold my Hitachi 3D80 to a friend. I was running out of space at home and I must keep my girl friend happy also. ;D I also prefer these earlier classic boomboxes better than those late 80's. Although 3D80 is a really nice box, still it had to go.

Oh yeah, and my mom has her old sharp gf6060 I could have. But I think it's butt ugly. :D


Member (SA)
Ok, took a photo with the best and the biggest.


It would be nicer to take similar photo outside, but there is like 30cm snow out there. :no:
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