Ok, boys and

, breaking news!
Part 3 must wait, start with the special part 4.
Got this weekend 8 (!) Spatial´s at flea.
And here we go: :sin:
First one is nothing special.
Another "monstertweeter" compact line
My 4. of this.
but in perfect condition, so not able to leave...
Love this strange thing
Then the impossible happened.
I got an second 774, my personal grail
Pulled out under some trash, got it for 5euros.
No! everything works. Would be a sin to damage it.
Then i got this pretty TV-combo
Owned one before, but dead
This one is working.
Only the rec-button is broken
So the dead one gets parted...
Next one is the black version of börnys tandem
fully working + shoulder strap
Moving Sound , but looks so
And here comes the funny red cubic compo
The speaker looking like a engine of a starship
Love the outstanding style - and the servodeck
And another "most wanted" came in.
This SOUNDMACHINE for 10euros was a must
Very scratchy and dirty around.
I owned the same with damaged tuner
So the life of this box will come into the cover from the other
This version of compact line is new for me
condition like new
But i don´t like perfect boxes.
So i threw it down a few times, till it was looking so...
Ok, don´t believe everything!
Just got at the same flea - the same box again.
In very used condition.
But it´s fully working...
And now, all together:
Ok, let me know how do you think about it.
What box is the best shot of them?
(got all for fair and cheap prices)
Thanks for watching the "Spatial Special"