Reli said:
Americans like big & huge, in everything they buy........ That's really the 777's appeal.........I really don't think people are buying it because it's loud, or good-sounding...
I can tell you that 777 is also unquestionably boombox #1 for Russians

(I am one of them BTW). And, in Russia, the prevailing opinion is that it is one of the best sounding one piece boomboxes. BTW, Russians absolutely do not get Conions. On one Russian web site I saw a page that translates and comments on the well known futuristic
boombox renditions on This page has the following comment on the rendition of Conion C100 (my translation): "And of course, Conion C100 - African people favorite - will be absolutely reincarnated in a new image." Such dismissive attitude might be caused by the fact that Conions were never sold in Russia, people know very little about them and the attitudes were shaped up based solely on the looks. I do not appreciate their use of "African people" in that context (unfortunately racists exist everywhere or, perhaps, they just in-artfully tried to refer to the fact that African people tend to favor bright colors).