Smashed 999 (Homicide)

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Member (SA)
Everyone's got anumber and it seems mine is 999
Here's another tale of heartache. :sad: :sadno: :thumbsdown: :sad: :'-(

I purchased a GF-999 recently and sent the seller a note pleading with him to pack the box securely and robustly because it had a long trip to make. I also sent a PDF of the excellent packaging thread. He assured me that the box would be packaged well and it would arrive in the same condition as it left. As a precaution I asked him to insure the box. Here are the results:











It wasn't minty, but for a rare box like the 999 purchased from the second owner in the same family, it was in great condition.

I've contacted him and sent the pictures; I haven't heard back yet.

I am pissed at the seller, the UPS store that packed it, and UPS. :evilmad: :jason:
I hope UPS doesn't want the box back, but if they do, they'll have to come get it on my time. And the seller is going to get the riot act! :grim: :evilmad:

USPS and the seller conspired to wreck Joe's 951. Has anyone filed a claim with UPS? What's it like?

A little punk relief to lighten the mood




Boomus Fidelis
WOW :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: been there before and so sorry to hear this again :sadno: !st and foremost contact seller and see what they say :hmmm: Good luck dude :sadno: :sadno:


Member (SA)
Bloody awful!!

These big Sharps all seem to develop incredibly brittle plastic on the screw posts and the back, more so than most units I've seen.

Some of these are doomed to break even when shipped properly.. but in this situation the dingbats that packed it didn't even give her
a fighting chance.

My condolences, =ml= but she is definitely salvageable at least.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Bloody awful!!

These big Sharps all seem to develop incredibly brittle plastic on the screw posts and the back, more so than most units I've seen.

Some of these are doomed to break even when shipped properly.. but in this situation the dingbats that packed it didn't even give her
a fighting chance.

My condolences, =ml= but she is definitely salvageable at least.

Rock On.
Thanks for the positive words Rick. :-)

If I get to keep her, what is the best way to cosmetically and structurally repair her? The back is just barely attached and the handle can't really be used to carry her.


=m i l e s=


Member (SA)
=ml= said:
Gluecifer said:
Bloody awful!!

These big Sharps all seem to develop incredibly brittle plastic on the screw posts and the back, more so than most units I've seen.

Some of these are doomed to break even when shipped properly.. but in this situation the dingbats that packed it didn't even give her
a fighting chance.

My condolences, =ml= but she is definitely salvageable at least.

Rock On.
Thanks for the positive words Rick. :-)

If I get to keep her, what is the best way to cosmetically and structurally repair her? The back is just barely attached and the handle can't really be used to carry her.


=m i l e s=

Theres lots of solutions for this kind of problem, it'll depend on how bad the damage is inside, repairing/replacing posts isn't too hard. The case will go back together ok too, you can repair most of that stuff invisibly with the stuff you can get your hands on these days. Lots of stuff on here for fixing plastics, have a good hunt and see what will work the best. Good luck!

And we're always around to help!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
There have been a few threads on plastic and screw tower repairs in particular even, if I remember correctly.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
There's a guy on eBay who sells one to a GF-1000. I have one also but it's the one I took off of my 767 that came in the mail with a much smaller crack in it. If you get to keep it and want to repair it let me know. If you wanna see pics just look up my old thread on it. It has good pics in it. I think the thread read "Thank you for you none paying bidders". Good luck.

shane higgins

Member (SA)
i think we need to come up with a ezy and generic why we can tell these dingbats (love the word rick have not heard it in years lol)
to pack our grails
break the sends legs see if they like it :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That doesn't look like an official packing job by the UPS store. If it is... :thumbsdown:

Aside from the cracks in the back case, what other damage does it have? Is the front okay?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Was that the 999 out of Chicago, IL on ebay?

I had a deal setup with that seller for the box if the ebay buyer fell through and I was going ot pick it up. Bummer to see it smashed.


Member (SA)
3 on the way....

Well look on the bright side, if they all end up getting bumped, you stand a good chance of making one good one :-)

... But lets hope they are ok...
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