Saturday March 17th meet at my place!

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Member (SA)
in a word.....awesome
in a few words.....holy **** did i get fat since comin back from new orleans!!! thanks for usin the wide angle lens skippy!!!

really cant say enough about today, fellas. i had an absolute blast! theres just somethin special about meetin up with a group of good people that share the same enthusiasm in somethin unique.
good conversation, plenty of laughs, great food, little bit of beer drinkin, lots of ****-talkin, lots of bad-mouthin (all about ira, of course :-D ),....just an overall awesome day.

got to see and hear a sanyo m-x920 for the first time.....drooled all over the mfer for about a half an hour...phenomenal radio
saw and heard an altec lansing imt-800....dont hesitate to buy one of these....the sound is words for that one...
saw and heard a telefunken studio 1....its all that and then some....smaller than i expected....but def not small on sound
saw and heard a crown 850.....awesome boomer....everything you expect from a boomer...
saw and heard a sanyo m-x620.....awesome boomer for its size....even awesome for a boomer with a little more size....a must have

Blu_Fuz (Joe) is one hell of a host and just an all-around good dude. even if he hadnt fixed the casing on my 777 (which he started (and completed)on his own while i was checkin out radios), or he hadnt fixed the irreplaceable tape door arm on my toshiba rt-8930s (without hesitation), or hadnt given me the fm button ive been lookin for on my m70 since i bought it (for free)....i would still have nothin but good things to say about him.....well...yeah hes a bit perverted and loves talkin **** but come on....nobody's perfect.... :lol: big thanks to his lovely wife for makin some delicious food for us fat bastards and takin care of the baby while lettin the boys be boys. .....thanks for everything, joe

Cant say enough about skippy either. awesome to talk to, very knowledgable about boomers, and about as enthusiastic as one can be when it comes to these portable time machines.....also a great ****-talker.... :lol: ...had a great time hangin with him..

got to meet badboybill for the first time guessed it...another awesome guy. brought some sweet radios i never saw to shoot the shiat with him for a bit about family and motorcycles and all that...good dude....gave me a label for my m70 (for free)....he also busted out some boomer knowledge for us and was just a real cool guy to hang with....big thanks to jeanie for comin and keepin him company on the long drive. not only was she easy on the eyes( :blush: sorry bill) but just a really nice, laid-back, super cool chick.... lucky bastard

all-in-all....couldnt have asked for a better day....super glad i passed on the st. patty's day drunkfest downtown with my crew, and chose to go to joe's
cant wait to do it again!
the 3/17/12 wisconsin mini meet was a total success :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
really truly great pictures -but-
for the next meet -you guys should stop at goodwill and get better clothes
:dunce: :-P :lol: :lol: :agree:
:w00t: :lol: Runway models. Great pics. And, wish I was able to meet up there too. What did The wives have to say about the meet? Were they doing the drinking and Shiat talking/ cursing?


Boomus Fidelis
I had a great time at Joe's house today. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
The mini meet today was our biggest yet with 4 members of Boomboxery present. :w00t:
Joe and his wife Ariel are such nice folks, I love going over to their beautiful home and hanging out. :yes:
It's only a 40 minute drive,so I go bug the hell out of him when I can,LOL! :angelic: :lol:
A BIG Thank you for putting up with our ****......... :thumbsdown: :grim: :lol:
GZ is a great guy and very cool to hang with,he's a big drunk and I almost fooled him into trading me his M90 for a Coby. :thumbsdown: :annoyed:
But he sobered up for a second and blew it for me,LOL!
Thanks for coming over today and spending a great day with us.....
Bill and Jeannie drove up from the middle of nowhere in Illinois to be there today.
They are also great folks and I always enjoy with Bill. :gathering:
We get along great and he brought some cool boxes. :cool: :drool:
Someday I'll talk him out of that damn Telefunken Studio 1 and finally get it back,LOL! :lol:
Thanks again everyone for a great meet!


Boomus Fidelis
One of the biggest and best boombox conventions :hmmm: OK mini meet we ever had :superduper:

Joe and Ariel are great host, great friends,with food,pop,beer,bbx's and a cute little baby :-D This is definetly one for the record books :yes: There house is beautiful and the Boomroom is totally Awesome :thumbsup: The garage was such a great place to just bring the boxes in to and set up...Joe really know his stuff for making repairs and even putting the LED kit in the M70 :thumbsup: I am so glad we made the drive up ;-) Thanks :breakdance:

Scott is an all around great guy :thumbsup: Him and I have been real good friends for over 3 years and have sharred many laughs and boomers..One of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet :smooch: He has an awesome camera that he is probably going to give to Jeannie for her Birthday :-O :lol: :lol: Of course Scott you have 1st dibs on the Telefunken and if I die it will be left in my last Will and Testament :thumbsup:

Greg too is a great new friend. Even though this was our 1st meeting, he was hilerious, and humor is number 1 in my book :thumbsup: I was so glad he was able to make it so we could finally have one of the largest ever Midwest meets :yes: we all have so much in common and not only Boomers :surf:

Thank you guys very much for the fantastic time and hope we can do this again soon :thumbsup:

I have uploaded all my pics and tomorrow the videos will follow :thumbsup: ENJOY!!!!
































Well-Known Member
Staff member
I want to type a ushy-gooshy-"me love you long time", kind of post buuuuuuut I don't have the time! :lol:

Great having you guys over.

GZ - I was more than happy to get your 777 case back into one piece. And hopefully that cassette door arm repair sets up well and holds strong :yes: . I'm soooo glad you decided not to hang with your "bro's-n-hoe's" yesterday and came up to hang with us :yes:

Skip - TURN THAT **** DOWN! :breakdance: :lol: Enjoy the M70 and I will see you soon :yes: .

Bill - Thank you sooo much for driving up all that way and enjoying our part of the country :dunce: :lol: . You and your wife are great company and fun to be around.

Arielle was more than happy to get some good eats and good treats together for us. Besides, she gets to eat it too :lol: .

Altec Lansing box still blows the Kaboom AND the TDK 2 speaker boombox out of the water :-O . I would have bet that the TDK 2 speaker would have hammered the Altec out and would have been real competition but it really was not. Two different animals.

The M70 :superduper: LED kit mod was installed during the meet and I can't thank Norm enough for making that soooooo easy to do :yes: . Thanks buddy.

So many radios and so little time even though you guys were here for 6+ hours! :lol:

Love ya guys :smooch:


Member (SA)
this looks like it was great. Love the pics. Gets me pumped for my first sunshine meet. Bunch of good fella talking boomboxes....nice. Love the pics. Looks like you guys had a great time :breakdance: :breakdance: :breakdance:


Member (SA)
Man that looks like fun :thumbsup: Beer, boxes, food and good company. :w00t:

The GF-575 looks killer, love to here one! It seems to appear bigger than it is though, strange.

Thanks for sharing guys!! :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
.......3 M90's together......

BILL....Your T-Shirt F'n ROCKS! :thumbsup:

Absolutely KILLER collection of radio's together!

New ones...old ones...and I'm not just talking about the guys! :lol:

Totally Kick Arse!

Thanks for sharing!


Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
.......3 M90's together......

BILL....Your T-Shirt F'n ROCKS! :thumbsup:

Absolutely KILLER collection of radio's together!

New ones...old ones...and I'm not just talking about the guys! :lol:

Totally Kick Arse!

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Chris :thumbsup: and thanks everyone. I am waiting for video to upload to youtube..May be a while since its about 2.35G and 15 minutes long. I will post it on new thread :thumbsup:
I would've killed for the Mug Rootbeer alone!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Na, really, what a killer group brothers...
I'm now thinking if I should move to California or the Mid-West??? :-/ ;-) :thumbsup:
Congratulations, really did an excellent job!!! LOVE THE WAY JOE PUT IT TOGETHER!!!
:breakdance: :superduper: :breakdance: :superduper: :breakdance: :superduper: :breakdance: :superduper: :breakdance: :superduper:
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