Saturday March 17th meet at my place!

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Member (SA)
Looks like im comin boys!!!!
No work....and im passin on the st pattys drunk fest...well maybe i'll go out later... :-D
yeah skip i'll bring the m90...but bill better bring that 920!!!
And since joe so kindly agreed to fix up my 777 without me really even asking.. i'll be bringin ya a nice little parts box/possible fixer upper from north of the border to do with what you please....
Let me know what to bring joe!


Boomus Fidelis
-GZ- said:
Looks like im comin boys!!!!
No work....and im passin on the st pattys drunk fest...well maybe i'll go out later... :-D
yeah skip i'll bring the m90...but bill better bring that 920!!!
And since joe so kindly agreed to fix up my 777 without me really even asking.. i'll be bringin ya a nice little parts box/possible fixer upper from north of the border to do with what you please....
Let me know what to bring joe!

I'm soooo glad your coming Greg!
I'll bring the M90 and a couple of others.
I can bring my National RX-5700 if you want to check it out?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Very awesome Greg! I figured you could still meet up with your pals later in the day/evening :yes: .

This is going to be fantastic :breakdance: .

Skip, give Joel a call (if you have time or want to) to see if he can last minute show up for a little while - you can give him my number too if he wants to checkin with me.


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
did you guys invite spud ?? :-)

I tried but he doesn't answer his phone anymore..... :annoyed: :thumbsdown:
I don't know wtf is going on with that guy........ :huh: :-/
Joe still has all his RC550's I took over there before Christmas so Joel could stop by and pick them up rather than driving all the way to my house since Joe lives closer........ :hmmm:


Member (SA)
skippy1969 said:
-GZ- said:
Looks like im comin boys!!!!
No work....and im passin on the st pattys drunk fest...well maybe i'll go out later... :-D
yeah skip i'll bring the m90...but bill better bring that 920!!!
And since joe so kindly agreed to fix up my 777 without me really even asking.. i'll be bringin ya a nice little parts box/possible fixer upper from north of the border to do with what you please....
Let me know what to bring joe!

I'm soooo glad your coming Greg!
I'll bring the M90 and a couple of others.
I can bring my National RX-5700 if you want to check it out?
[ Image ]
for sure....
wouldnt mind seein the big telefunken whoever has that...
wouldnt mind droolin over the 9998 again either... :drool:
surprise me skip....ive only really seen what i have and what joe has...and the few you brought last time...
should be a good time!


Boomus Fidelis
for sure....
wouldnt mind seein the big telefunken whoever has that...
wouldnt mind droolin over the 9998 again either... :drool:
surprise me skip....ive only really seen what i have and what joe has...and the few you brought last time...
should be a good time![/quote]

The car is all packed up guys and going to leave in a bit :thumbsup: Sanyo 920 and Telefunken Studio 1 packed too ;-) :thumbsup:I have about 7 bbx's in car so next time for the 9998 :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Well guys it's Saturday morning here in AU, we are all just hanging around waiting for the pics, have fun and drive safe.



Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
for sure....
wouldnt mind seein the big telefunken whoever has that...
wouldnt mind droolin over the 9998 again either... :drool:
surprise me skip....ive only really seen what i have and what joe has...and the few you brought last time...
should be a good time!

The car is all packed up guys and going to leave in a bit :thumbsup: Sanyo 920 and Telefunken Studio 1 packed too ;-) :thumbsup:I have about 7 bbx's in car so next time for the 9998 :thumbsup:[/quote]
drive safe, bill.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Well you AU guys have to wait another 12-13 hours yet until anyone shows up here :lol: .

Drive safe guys - I can't wait to see ya!

Taco dip and BBQ pork sandwiches for lunch.... :drool:

I have miller light in cans, a couple bottles of Berry Weis, mug rootbeer, cherry 7up, and ginger ale :yes: . If you need anything else you might want to stop and get it before you get here :yes: ;-)


Boomus Fidelis
blu_fuz said:
Well you AU guys have to wait another 12-13 hours yet until anyone shows up here :lol: .

Drive safe guys - I can't wait to see ya!

Taco dip and BBQ pork sandwiches for lunch.... :drool:

I have miller light in cans, a couple bottles of Berry Weis, mug rootbeer, cherry 7up, and ginger ale :yes: . If you need anything else you might want to stop and get it before you get here :yes: ;-)

WOW! You rock Joe! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
I can't believe how good you treat us when you invite us over.
Just like kings!!!! :thumbsup: :smooch: :rock: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
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