Sad E bay story

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Requiem Æternam
Sent a Japanese Sharp GF 535 or 9000 to the States
arrived double boxed as always
actually 2 and a half and lots of bubble
EMS arrived in less than a week
buyer sent me these photos
none of those knocks came close to the box
545 arrived cosmetically ok (with those knocks but he tells me something is rattling inside
and doesn't work
I thought at first the transformer had come loose
but lights up
seeing this damage you can see i must of packed well to have the box
arrive cosmetic OK
I have sent over 50 boxes this is my first claim
Someone threw dropped the box or Scam ?
Tried to work with him on this
But as you see he is not interested
Lights not working but he sent this photo
Lights are working
Ok so i refund his money on a good box
worth that in parts
what do I want to say :huh: :huh: :huh:
not sure...

This was a nice box personally restored by me
that is able to be fixed if he worked with me
offered to send any parts for free
and i know not everyone wants to do it
but i have showed a lot of people who thought they couldn't and love the box so much more
after working on it themselves
Ahhh :bang: :bang: :bang:
Really working with you guys and people on e bay is so different
There is no dare i say love pasion
why would he not understand it could be just a cable come loose
I could of worked him threw it
Yes i see it coming from someone
eBay and here is a different world
Thank you guys for loving boxes not buying them
Ha feel a little better
I will return his money and think more about how to share my boxes
sorry a little to many beers and sadness
i am scared to read this tomorrow
but really needed to get this out of me so i can move on
Good night

I tried everything you said to me but in addition to the two red lights no sound or movement cassette deck there.

Your previous message​
just saw your photo lights are on so power is there maybe
before you open
try switch to radio button and try to tune radio does stereo light come on
try headphones see is there sound
try switch to Tape look if the tape turns when you push play
Also sorry here is photo some instruction on the Japanese on the front

New message from: ****
Hi, I'm sorry but I personally would not do it, only because I never did. All I can do to solve the problem, according to your agreement, carry in service. Let me know what you decide. Thanks.

Your previous message​
Firstly i am so sad about this as you are
I love these vintage boomboxes and to see one get damaged is so disappointing
would like to help try to save it
i will continue with insurance request
But just thought we could try to fix this ourselves
I repair these a lot
I have parts and can send what is needed
you don't need a technician to fix it i think
very simple box parts are all easily removed
Sounds like during transport the transformer may of broken of the back
these boxes are 35 years old and plastic is fragile
I am sending instructions how to open
If you open we may have an idea how to fix
All parts clip on with connectors so all you really need is a + screwdriver
1 remove 10 screws in back
2 remove 10 knobs on the front
3 the front of the cabinet will come of
4 there are 2 cables one for uv and another for speakers
these have connectors on the amp remove the connectors and the front can be removed
then find what is the problem
sounds like it will be easy to spot transformer is in the lower left corner
Hope you want to try
you may even enjoy it
Hope you are interested to try this with me

Ok; power on but something broken inside. Lights, radio and the deck does not work.
Your previous message​
shiat looks like they dropped it a few times
I will contact the post office on Monday to see what to do
I have insured it so hopefully they will pay up
when you say not working you mean there is no power or what exactly
also some pictures of the box to please

Hello. Today I got boombox and very upset. Box is damaged, I send you pictures. Sharp is not working and something inside off and dangles. If I give in the service I need a minimum of $300. Please tell me how do we solve this problem. Thank you.


Member (SA)
Hey Geoff, try not to take it personally when a transaction goes bad.
No matter how hard you try, especially if you sell a lot of stuff, the law of averages says at least one transaction will have problems from time to time.
Also the buyer may be totally innocent, if they have no experience in electronics etc the thought of opening up a boom box and swapping parts may feel quite daunting.

If you have to give a full refund can you ask the buyer to return the box to you.


Boomus Fidelis
Wow this is sad. Sorry to hear this. Where did you ship? Maybe a local member can help to repair. I myself would love to help. If it powers up it shouldn't be to hard to track down. Good luck

Bad Boy Bill


Well-Known Member
Staff member
This is the sad reality of some deals on ebay. I know I was there when I first started and didn't know how to open a radio and didn't want to. Now I accept projects and repairs with open arms.

Sorry to hear about this deal. If you had to refund so much money, then you should be able to have to radio back.


Member (SA)
So disappointing, i can see both sides here and its a difficult one.

I can understand the buyer is unhappy but i can understand your position as well, very disappointing for you. Just try to reach a satisfactory solution.


Requiem Æternam
Hey Geoff, try not to take it personally when a transaction goes bad.

God thats what my wife said
but yea it feels personal

I really try hard to ship them well
And until i get the mail all is well its stress
I have watched those you-tube vids of guys throwing packages
It Shipped to Alexandria, VA 22302
United States
If someone here can save it would make me feel so much better


Requiem Æternam
thanks guys
yes i understand the buyer and he is of course right to be upset
and opening boxes is not for everyone
yes i will refund him of course
but thought it would of been more fun ???
more interesting ???
to show him the world of
Turning 10 screws removing 10 knobs
and finding the problem and fixing it
God I love that feeling :breakdance: :breakdance: :breakdance: :breakdance:

Lasonic TRC-920

:bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:

No way to win in this situation.

Damn shame the people that work at the USPS don't care :thumbsdown:

I hope this can be worked out and the radio can be saved.


Member (SA)
I hope so to Geoff,sorry to see this,I'm in Tennessee and if I can help I will.
I'm sure I could find out what's wrong,I've worked on and have restored many Sharps.
Good luck.


Member (SA)
nikonfoo said:
thanks guys
yes i understand the buyer and he is of course right to be upset
and opening boxes is not for everyone
yes i will refund him of course
but thought it would of been more fun ???
more interesting ???
to show him the world of
Turning 10 screws removing 10 knobs
and finding the problem and fixing it
God I love that feeling :breakdance: :breakdance: :breakdance: :breakdance:
I'll be totally honest, ive been collecting on and off for about 5 years now and I dread having to open up a box.
I will give them a clean with some very lightly damp cloths and q-tips, and even painted a couple, but taking the back of a box is not my thing at all.


Member (SA)
I feel for you, nikonfoo and I sense the emotive disappointment in what you say. I'm still a newbie in the BB world, I wouldn't have let this get in my way of acquiring (another) GF-9000 but we're all different with different skills and different levels of confidence. One failed safe delivery is certainly one too many but it's not your fault. Whatever course this takes from here I hope that everyone will be satisfied with the outcome.

:sadno: It's not your fault.


Member (SA)
If its who I think it is, I smell a scam.. These ebayers get a unit and try and pick it apart to try and get a refund..
In the picture you posted, the unit is on FM and the VU is working! :hmmm:
Sounds like a scam. Ask the seller to send it back and you'll cover the shipping. This method will weed out the scammer trying to just get a free discount. It won't however, weed out a parts swapper.

If you ask for it to be returned with shipping costs covered by you, you can delay the refund until you receive the box back.

Don't mess around with this buyer, just get it back for inspection.


Member (SA)
JustCruisin said:
There's not really anything that would "come loose" on these, especially if you said you restored it yourself..does this ebayer have a username that consists of numbers AND letters..?
I would be suspect too based on this part of his reply "If I give in the service I need a minimum of $300"

How would he know that already, and isn't that what he paid for it? Hmmmm :hmmm:

I thought earlier you had posted his ID ? Removed by Mods?

Just saying. Tread carefully, and ask for pics of 'Dangling' parts. He has the burden of proof on him, no?

So crappy you cannot actually know for sure, but let the insurance deal with it also, carrier damaged it.


Boomus Fidelis
JustCruisin said:
If its who I think it is, I smell a scam.. These ebayers get a unit and try and pick it apart to try and get a refund..
In the picture you posted, the unit is on FM and the VU is working! :hmmm:
I agree! The buyer is a cheater...

Looks like he purposely made those for an easy refund.

There are lots of dishonest people out there.

.... We have to move on ....

In our case we are anxious to support a good seller and forget if there is ...if any small mistakes....


Boomus Fidelis
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
Sounds like a scam. Ask the seller to send it back and you'll cover the shipping. This method will weed out the scammer trying to just get a free discount. It won't however, weed out a parts swapper.

If you ask for it to be returned with shipping costs covered by you, you can delay the refund until you receive the box back.

Don't mess around with this buyer, just get it back for inspection.
He will purposely break stuff inside and send it back. Some crooks might even replace internals with damaged parts.


Boomus Fidelis
Did you ever check any of his feedback ? If he's a scammer maybe there's something in feedback to.

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Wait wait wait! So, he's wanting to keep the box AND get a refund? I saw on your listing that you actually accept returns! Did he say he didnt want to send it back but needed refund money to have it "repaired"?
Don't give this crook a damn dime!

If the mods did remove the eBay username, it's because they know he's also registered here with the same name..
He contributes nothing to this website, so Ban that mufugga in a quickness!
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