JVC Floyd said:
i love the variety in your collection , i also love that you have a balance between 1 piece and 3 piece boxes . three piece boxes are awesome too!.
A 'balanced' collection is important to me,
JVC Floyd, in styles, colours, features and - importantly for me - across a range of years. BB's, as we recognise them as such today, emerged in the 70's and I aim for my collection to reflect this as there are (IMHO) some very interesting early models.
A good spec is always desirable but the compromise, at least for me, maybe that I sometimes forego this for the benefit of a balanced collection portraying BB development over the years. I feel some of these early boxes are Classics in their own right and deserve their place.
And I want a great BIG farkin' loud un' as well!!!
I know, I know - I talk too much so I'll leave it there for now.