It sort of makes sense of the "bringing back the past" slogan.Bringing out the old parts bins and slapping on scarcity pricing doesn't take much of a commitment though.Ten dollars for an already manufactured knob does raise an eyebrow.It would be different if they had gone to the trouble of remaking them.To satisfy all needing the chronically broken switches,we're talking ALOT of parts.I'd hate to think we'll all have to fight each other like rabid animals for what might still exist.And if a knob is $10.00,what the %@*& is a switch going to run us?
To be truthful though,most of us will pay whatever we have to pay so long as Lasonic delivers.The important big question here is "Does Lasonic really care about us?". Problematic at this point is the lack of information Lasonic seems satisfied to provide for us. A lot of hope has been created here (even some thinking their will be new completed box reissues ) . I don't think it serves anybody well to let this foster unnecessarily. Hopefully,at the very least remanufacturing spare parts is part of their overall plan.However,I've yet to see an indication of this unless I've missed something.If this is not in the works,they MUST have a massive supply of old parts.If there are only limited NOS parts (at gold plated prices) and no remakes of them,there are going to be a lot of p*ss*d "adoring" Lasonic fans out there.All we can do is speculate...and wait....but for what?