question on upcoming lasonic parts

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MasterBlaster84 said:
These are brand new from Lasonic not second hand parts, the limits might be a bit of a drag but we'll see how that goes since they just started releasing parts.
Let's remember that Lasonic is in business to make money and I think they see an opportunity thanks to many of us begging them but they aren't going to give them away.
I think it's great that they are finally releasing some old parts, but come on...

A limit of only one antenna per customer? Didn't the original 931s have TWO antennas? :-/ :huh: If so, then Lasonic is shooting themselves in the foot. If I had a 931 that needed two antennas, why would I even consider paying $25 for just one when I could buy two of the i931 antennas for $20?

:huh: :huh:


Boomus Fidelis
Fatdog said:
MasterBlaster84 said:
These are brand new from Lasonic not second hand parts, the limits might be a bit of a drag but we'll see how that goes since they just started releasing parts.
Let's remember that Lasonic is in business to make money and I think they see an opportunity thanks to many of us begging them but they aren't going to give them away.
I think it's great that they are finally releasing some old parts, but come on...

A limit of only one antenna per customer? Didn't the original 931s have TWO antennas? :-/ :huh: If so, then Lasonic is shooting themselves in the foot. If I had a 931 that needed two antennas, why would I even consider paying $25 for just one when I could buy two of the i931 antennas for $20?

:huh: :huh:

No arguments there bobby. I think their limit should be whatever one box came with however I also have no idea what their supply looks like so maybe they aren't going to have as much quantity as we need. :hmmm:
Still I think we need to give them a little time to start releasing more parts before we get to critical.


Member (SA)
If these are new parts,why are they in odd bins and cardboard cutout containers.They look like NOS parts to me.This would more reasonably explain the limits.However,this would mean they will eventually run out unless they decide to remanufacture.It would also mean that switches if they still had them would sell like wildfire and most probably run out very quickly.I sure wish they would advance us more information concerning their intentions.


No Longer Active
Fatdog said:
MasterBlaster84 said:
These are brand new from Lasonic not second hand parts, the limits might be a bit of a drag but we'll see how that goes since they just started releasing parts.
Let's remember that Lasonic is in business to make money and I think they see an opportunity thanks to many of us begging them but they aren't going to give them away.
I think it's great that they are finally releasing some old parts, but come on...

A limit of only one antenna per customer? Didn't the original 931s have TWO antennas? :-/ :huh: If so, then Lasonic is shooting themselves in the foot. If I had a 931 that needed two antennas, why would I even consider paying $25 for just one when I could buy two of the i931 antennas for $20?

:huh: :huh:

Probably depends on which TRC-931 version you have. After awhile, they only came with 1 antenna. :-/

But then, that was for the later 2nd edition 931's with the LED meters on the left side.

I'm glad that all 3 of my 1st editions still have their antennas. :-D


I was thinking of something... Charging these somewhat high prices for original parts might be a good thing

in the long run, especially if Lasonic flips that money into the development of what we all really want. ;-)


Member (SA)
It sort of makes sense of the "bringing back the past" slogan.Bringing out the old parts bins and slapping on scarcity pricing doesn't take much of a commitment though.Ten dollars for an already manufactured knob does raise an eyebrow.It would be different if they had gone to the trouble of remaking them.To satisfy all needing the chronically broken switches,we're talking ALOT of parts.I'd hate to think we'll all have to fight each other like rabid animals for what might still exist.And if a knob is $10.00,what the %@*& is a switch going to run us?

To be truthful though,most of us will pay whatever we have to pay so long as Lasonic delivers.The important big question here is "Does Lasonic really care about us?". Problematic at this point is the lack of information Lasonic seems satisfied to provide for us. A lot of hope has been created here (even some thinking their will be new completed box reissues ) . I don't think it serves anybody well to let this foster unnecessarily. Hopefully,at the very least remanufacturing spare parts is part of their overall plan.However,I've yet to see an indication of this unless I've missed something.If this is not in the works,they MUST have a massive supply of old parts.If there are only limited NOS parts (at gold plated prices) and no remakes of them,there are going to be a lot of p*ss*d "adoring" Lasonic fans out there.All we can do is speculate...and wait....but for what?


Member (SA)
Jovie said:
If these are new parts,why are they in odd bins and cardboard cutout containers.They look like NOS parts to me.

The descriptions state these are in fact original parts.

Also, TRC-900 Series Antenna, TRC-975 Front Main Decal & TRC-975 Front Top Decal have been added to the store.


Member (SA)
(from facebook)

Lasonic Electronics:

Just finished tallying up the 931 knobs, purchasing restrictions lifted!! =D get 'em while you can!

...and let's clear something up guys, the parts we are releasing are the remaining stock we have left from back in the day. They are new but old stock (NOS if you may). We currently have no plans to re-manufacture.


Boomus Fidelis
newlow said:
Errr! :sad: just broke the antenna on my 931i and they are out of stock at Lasonic. Any other sources?
Lasonic should have spares since they still produce the I931. You should call to ask, maybe they will be getting more in :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
i have 931 bodies, handles, speakers, grilles, and pcb boards lying around still

glad to see lasonic will be getting parts out :yes:
I still have my surplus set aside should I ever buy a project again
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