Scott just left a little while ago and has at least a 4 hour trip ahead of him back home
We had a great Mini meet though. He had brought with him his JVC M90, of course
plus his Telefunken studio 1, Fisher 480, panasonic RXC-60, Crown 950, and Spuds JVC 550
He also brought me as a surprise, for myself, a Bentley Walkman with headphones and ministereo speakers (NIB) totally great of him
In our discussions we were thinking of trading my soundesign 4641 for a sanyo dual deck he had but when he got here I fell for the Crown 950 so we decided to trade his crown for my Soundesign plus my Randix
We checked out each others boxes i fell in love with the Telefunken and Scott was in AWE with my Sanyo MX920 so he said he gots 1st dibs if I ever sell it
So we then decided to trade my Sanyo for his Telefunken
What an awesome trade
This was definetly an awesome mini meet,
Cant wait to get another midwest meet going