Well, I'm very much a neutral guy and try to post over there once in awhile but lemme just say that the animosity Patron and AO alludes to is not restricted to any one site. Both sites have exhibited these exact same sentiments from time to time so no one is guilt free here. Mostly, I just try to stay above the fray and the purpose of my thread here was simply to announce the seemingly very substantial changes at the old site (in case no one noticed) and how it was gonna take a lot of getting used to.
Yes, some folks have stated that they are happy here but the truth is that you can please some of the people all the time, or all the people some of the time, but you simply can't please all of the people all of the time. As individuals, it's human nature to have different likes/dislikes. And some folks like it here, some people prefer it there, nothing wrong with that. And yes, some folks might be vocal about their preference but I don't think any offense should be drawn from it either way. How someone saying that they like it here, could then be construed to be throwing stones is just plain silly and reading too much into an innocent comment. Perhaps I am naive and missing all the hidden meanings in these statements but I simply don't see it nor can I make that relationship. I happen to like Chevy's (or did before the Govt took it over). Doesn't mean I won't drive a Ford. All I can say is drop in here once in a while if you feel like it and many of us also drops over there for a comment or two also, from time to time.
'nuff said.