Melly -- you will simply love the Sanyo M9994, even at the $350 price, provided of course that the seller turns out to be a good one.
HERE is an interesting story for you (and others).
Just FYI, I fixed a Sanyo M9994 about 6 months ago from a fella who bought a Sanyo M9994k from China. He paid over $400 for it and sent it to me because it just didn't sound right -- crappy and high distortion. The final straw was when he played one of his favorite tapes that had different voices on the left/right channels. He noticed that one voice was completely missing! What the... something clearly was amiss.
Anyways, turns out that one amp module was missing, yes completely removed. From underneath, the "repair person" actually filled in the missing amp module holes with solder to make it appear as though the amp was still present. Upon closer inspection, the solder pads were there but missing was the expected pins of the amp module. The speakers were ingenuously bridged together on the PCB using the wide mixing feature so one channel was basically, playing mono through both speakers and that remaining amp was being overloaded from driving both speakers instead of the intended 1/amp, hence the crappy sound and distortion. I had photos of all this to document everything but needless to say, I was appalled by this behaviour although to be completely honest, I have seen this before (bridging speakers together to compensate for one dead amp) so I shouldn't be suprised. In fact, I saw this on another M9994 that I bought from a US seller although at least that one, the dead amp was still there. But I digress from my story. I asked if he could share who the seller was so others don't get burned. He said he forgot but I get the feeling that he didn't want to revisit what he felt was a bad transaction.
Don't want to scare you but this is a true story and it is, what it is. In case you guys are wondering, the Sanyo was repaired and returned to the owner as I replaced the missing amp module (I have a handful in stock just in case -- the Sanyo's 2.5ohm speakers probably responsible for a higher than normal amp failure rate if you over crank them too long). The difference between before/after floored the owner who said it was a night and day difference.