Need someone to fix my Dynasty HT-959 BBX soon.Video inside!

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Member (SA)
I had a 220volt model of this box and it ran great on a laptop power supply.
Way better than on batteries.
Mine bottomed out even on a brand new set of D's after a few minutes . it ate batteries really quick.
But on the 70 watt power supply It pumped out the bass like no other to the point where it rattled the cabinet.
I am transamguy on stg btw.


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Thanks for the encouragement. I am sourcing a power supply now. I hope it makes it even a little better.


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I just recieved my last two knobs and I have to model glue my play button back together, then my box will look 100% visually, yeah baby!


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blu_fuz said:
I just recieved my last two knobs and I have to model glue my play button back together, then my box will look 100% visually, yeah baby!
Woo hoo!! Congrats :cool:


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Suprizingly the model glue holds like crap. :-/ Damn it.

So I still need a play button because I really can't fix the one I have apparently.....

Now there is a horrible buzzing sound coming from the left channel/speakers. The first 10 seconds of playing the radio or aux is ok then it just goes crazy and buzzes louder the more I listen :sadno: . I have to balance it all the way to the right so I can just listen to anything.


Boomus Fidelis
Sh*t :-O :'-(
I know the feeling when working only on one side.... :sadno:
Wish you the best for troubleshooting.
It´s such a lovely box. :-/


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I am again beyond my trouble shooting skills. I can't address these issues and having the box laying open spread out everywhere doesn't work in my house. I will have to set up a table in the garage and hope everything will be ok out there.

I might be mailing the box off to have a member here check it out and try to do his magic.


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Progress is kinda at a stand still right now. I'm trying to get some outside projects done before the snow flies here.

First up will be to get the power supply and try to order some belts for the tape decks to see how they play. Still hoping someone has a cassette button out there for a wheely that they can let go :-) :yes:

petey awol

Member (SA)
Heya Blu, I sent you a PM. (Sorry I dont have parts. I do have a Dynasty myself that needs parts. I'm not goingto start to assemble pieces untill you finish yours. Whats the odds we both find parts at the same time?) However check your PM's.


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Plug it in, it turns on and not off(lights come on). Tape decks do nothing when the buttons are pushed(no motors turn even). if I switch the functions to "tape, aux, am, fm" still nothing. If i leave it plugged in the alarm starts to screetch oh so loud. The transformer "hums" and makes a click noise when I wiggle the wire when plugged in. I replaced a transistor and a capacitor that were shot and still have the same results. I have the original parts yet also that were removed.

I use to have a faint sound out of the right speaker with the radio and the volume knob did nothing. I don't think it does anything with the batteries in either.

I do remember something happening when either the power button or the sensor button was pushed in part way. I can't remember.

check out if all the voltages are coming out of the transformer correctly.

with a multimeter. to make sure its the txformer,

how many outs it has, and measure them all.

if some are dead, you know where it is.

if its all ok, you know its something else, but as it seems something shut down, ill bet its something there, going in.



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^ you are a little late to the party, I no longer have those problems ;-). Thank you anyway.

Petey, I briefly replied to your pm - sorry it took a bit, I was digging a trench all weekend. Thanks for holding out on parts requests for your BBX, I really appreciate it.

Vienna, AK74 was only able to get me a green sensor button and a chrome function button - He might have unloaded his cassette buttons to someone already.....

On a different note, yesterday I played the dynasty a bit and it didn't make that humming noise from the left speaker :-/ - Not sure why, but it sounded super up to its 1/4 volume.....


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Well, as much as I really want another "grail". I have to spend all the effort and money into the Wheely I have because if I get distracted, it will sit and be forgotten. After the power supply gets here, I will know what my next move is.

I am itching for a GF-1000 so much that I actually have dreams with it in there blasting away with my Dynasty :sad: :'-(


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Superduper said:
Power output of that laptop supply sounds sufficient. The only hesitation on my part would be that this is a switching power supply and not an linear supply (transformer). Switching supplies are extremely efficient and due to it's design, doesn't require the huge transformer that linear supplies do. The potential issue is that for analog applications (music), they have a reputation of being noisy and don't have that instantaneous oomph that linear supplies do. Whether it will work satisfactorily without introducing noise can't really be known until you try it.

Let us know how it goes.

This is the power supply I got: ... aptop.aspx

When not plugged in to the BBX, the power supply's LED stays lit solid. As soon as I plug it into the BBX the LED begins to blink about once every second. What I noticed is that the BBX is trying to power up every time the LED on the power supply lights up. Basically, what I am saying is that the power supply isn't working. I am bummed out. I thought this would work, for sure......

Now I'm stuck again. It could be that the supply just isn't efficient enough like SuperDuper said, but everyone else said that this would work.


Member (SA)
Power supply should work good, I have a Targus brand good to 90 or 100w, and it works terrific!

$10 dollars for a cassette know shipped :) Only charging cause I had to pay alot for my parts, hate to let them go :yes:


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I believe you that the power supply worked for you but I don't know what the deal is. I hope I can get a refund for it because the longer I keep it, the less likely I will be able to return it....... darn it - I had my MC Hammer CD ready to play via RCA inputs, now I am just staring at it.


Staff member
With the amps (volume) turned down, the power requirements should be minimal. If the power supply is going into protection as soon as the thing is hooked up, it sure seems like you have a huge drain or partial short. I would suspect that the large filter capacitor is either shorted or very very leaky. I think it should be swapped out just to be sure. Otherwise, perhaps there is a short someplace else. The power supply might not be defective. The issue could still be with your Dynasty.
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