Need someone to fix my Dynasty HT-959 BBX soon.Video inside!

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As to power supply -- it is not voltage that is important. A robust power supply is one that can supply enough current to avoid dragging down the voltage. If you are looking for a DC power supply, you'll have to make sure it supplies enough current (watts or amps). Volts should be same as what you currently have so if its' a 15v machine, keep it close. The amp has a high voltage tolerance (24v) but the other components in the circuit board might not so be careful. Frankly, I would guess that you'd need at least a 2 - 4 amp power supply (at least).


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This is the power supply I read about on SG2: ... aptop.aspx

It looks to have everything I need to power up this beast, should I get it and give it a shot?

Here is the old thread from the other site that THEFUZZ started: ... 9251018565

"The BBDB pics show that there's no power consumption figure on the back of the Wheely 5000, but using the similarly sized Techsonic J1 as a guide, you should get a DC power supply capable of supplying at least 40 watts at 15 volts. That is, 15V at 2667mA, not the maximum 1000mA yours has."

"Not to get to complex but if you take TA's figures 15 volts and 70 watts you will need a supply that can put out 4.6 amps or current. At low volume it (1000ma) will be ok, but when you crank her up it will distort without being fed enough current."

The speakers are 4ohm and yes the battery door fits perfectly!


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Superduper said:
I know nothing about the design but from looking at the circuit board, it is so ridiculously simple I really don't think a lot of effort was expended in the design of this boombox. Not to be critical and put down this master blaster but it's really cheaply made and designed.

I agree, this BBX probably wasn't the best quality based off pictures taken of the inside of other boxes. The one good thing is that it should be easier to troubleshoot :-/ maybe.....

I am really crossing my fingers that a power supply would take care of this annoying problem :annoyed: . I'm just waiting on confirmation about the power supply I posted a link to.


Staff member
Power output of that laptop supply sounds sufficient. The only hesitation on my part would be that this is a switching power supply and not an linear supply (transformer). Switching supplies are extremely efficient and due to it's design, doesn't require the huge transformer that linear supplies do. The potential issue is that for analog applications (music), they have a reputation of being noisy and don't have that instantaneous oomph that linear supplies do. Whether it will work satisfactorily without introducing noise can't really be known until you try it.

Let us know how it goes.


Staff member
blu_fuz said:
I agree, this BBX probably wasn't the best quality based off pictures taken of the inside of other boxes. The one good thing is that it should be easier to troubleshoot :-/ maybe.....

Not necessarily. Easier to trouble shoot a dead box or dead channel -- yes. But no amount of troubleshooting can compensate for insufficient or poor design/engineering. What we are trying to do is bring the box back to original with presumption that it works best that way. Add a bit of age and wear/tear to it, and some variations to original component values and you see the problem?

Complicated circuitry isn't implemented for the fun of it -- they are added to improve performance and reliability.


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I see what you mean.

I was told to try the batteries first, a nice new set of alkalines to see how it performs. If it improves or gets worse then I know it is probablly a power issue. If so, then I will purchase the power supply I posted a link to.

Do you have a suggestion for another supply that fits what your idea of "ideal" would be?


Staff member
You haven't tried batteries yet?? Alkaline D cells have an approximate amp hour rating of 10ah. That's way more power on tap than any ac adapter is going to give you, at least until it runs out of juice.


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:lol: - nope havn't tried batteries yet...... it was never suggested :-D . Probably tonight I will get some and let you know how it goes.


Boomus Fidelis
blu_fuz said:
-When I balance to one side(left or right) I can turn the box up about double the volume as I could with both speakers on at the same time.

This statement right here really points to the fact that there probably is simply not enough current to run both amps to their limit so they truly are running out of "juice" when you start to push them.

SD is correct that re-capping may help this since there are some larger capacitors that are typically used to hold some energy in reserve, when the power supply can't keep up on peaks such as a bass note they will supply a short term energy source as a buffer. When capacitors no longer work correctly this is diminished or lost entirely.


Staff member
:agree: Right, And not only will they not have the reserve capacity, leaky capacitors will actually "drag down" the available power.

Since you actually connected the power backwards at some point, it's possible that the electrolytics (they are called electrolytics for a reason -- they are polarized) have been damaged or compromised.


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Very true. I can't re-cap this box so someone will have to volunteer for that...... ^^^^ :yes: :hmmm: :lol: ^^^^

We'll see how the batteries work first.


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Tried some brand new Duracell batteries and I got the same result. The box sounds awesome with just one speaker on :thumbsup: :'-( .

I don't know if a DC power supply will work like I want it to. I was hoping for some kind of change with the batteries........

I guess I am better off throwing the dynasty in the garbage :grim:


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I didn't mean to scare anyone about throwing the boom box away. I was absoloutly kidding.
I did get a sweet offer for help and I might just take it.......


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I will be using the box as much as I can the next month or so.

To solve the power button issue for now I took the +wire that goes from the transformer/battery to the board and instead of running it to the board to its slide connector I ran it to a toggle switch. Then I ran a wire from the other post of the toggle to the +side of the board. This way I don't have to try to fumble around taking a battery out if I want to turn it off.

I didn't even have to cut, splice, or damage anything on the BBX - It looks like it is supposed to be there :-) There is even a open space above the feet that fits that toggle switch perfectly by wedging it in there. I'm so happy.

I took some pics of the switch and the lights working. New things since my last photo shoot is the green sensor button, chrome aux button, new battery door, and the bbx actually working. As you can see I have the bass pretty low and this barely lets me get up to about 1/2 volume but atleast it is something......




No matsuki woofers for mine :'-( :lol:


Member (SA)
She looks awesome Blu! I think the hardest part of the battle's been won already.

Good luck with the rest of the restore.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Well I have sent him two knobs needed and have suggested trying a Targas APM12 power supply, never runs out of juice for these monsters (100watt)....

Works for my two.... :thumbsup:


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Thanks again everyone. You all have helped a lot even if it is just for moral support and not technical. She will "boom" again, but yes I agree the hard part is done and I finally have some result that is good :thumbsup: .

I will keep updating here.


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I was using the BBX all weekend and did notice I could turn it up a little more with batteries than when it was plugged in. Probably only about 2 tic marks more, but it was an improvement.

Also there is a little feedback/buzzing/humming noise from the left speaker when it is plugged in. The humming gets lower with batteries also.So, all-in-all it seems that batteries makes the BBX perform a little better. I even used a microphone with it and that works great I want to play it louder! haha

So to me it seems to be a power supply issue.
-transformer might be going out causing low power

-overall improves sound quality and volume(don't forget portability too :thumbsup: )

-hopefully will be an upgrade from the battery power and will improve at least the volume
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