I will be using the box as much as I can the next month or so.
To solve the power button issue for now I took the +wire that goes from the transformer/battery to the board and instead of running it to the board to its slide connector I ran it to a toggle switch. Then I ran a wire from the other post of the toggle to the +side of the board. This way I don't have to try to fumble around taking a battery out if I want to turn it off.
I didn't even have to cut, splice, or damage anything on the BBX - It looks like it is supposed to be there
There is even a open space above the feet that fits that toggle switch perfectly by wedging it in there. I'm so happy.
I took some pics of the switch and the lights working. New things since my last photo shoot is the green sensor button, chrome aux button, new battery door, and the bbx actually working. As you can see I have the bass pretty low and this barely lets me get up to about 1/2 volume but atleast it is something......
No matsuki woofers for mine :'-(