need some help with a garbage night find

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Staff member
I'm still amazed every time I see a picture of the Wheely next to a GF-777. It makes the GF-777, which is quite a large boombox, look like a small, mid-size boomer. :-)


Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
Regarding the "green" spots on the buttons and such...

See if you can carefully pop them off. It might be best to partially disassemble the boombox to get to everything. Then try cleaning them using a baking soda paste and toothbrush. Just mix enough water with baking soda to make a paste. Pick some up with the toothbrush and then scrub the knobs and buttons. They should clean up nicely and of course, rinse thoroughly afterward as the baking soda will dry and leave a thin, powdery layer. The baking soda paste worked wonders on the buttons for my GF-303SG.

thank you for the baking soda tip :-)


Member (SA)
first i have to bring it to my guy to have one or 2 things done to it then ill see how nice it will clean up
the volume is scratchy im assuming the pots need cleaning ( how hard is it to do this myself , i know NOTHING about electronics repair)
and theres a popping through the speakers when i hit the cassette button
crap i dont think i ever checked to see if the batteries got left in it either


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
When you are done playing with it, I will buy it from you! :yes:

Are you on a shopping spree dude? :lol:

JBoogie's Conion, Master Z's Lasonic 975 and now this M71? :lol:
I don't know where your money source is but I want a map to guide me there :w00t:
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