If you read my post more clearly, I was mentioning BA362, which is what you indicated you installed on post #44. Here is the block diagram for BA362, which I believe is the same or similar enough to the other chips you've mentioned.
Yes, pin 7 is the IC ground. Pin 6 is from the stereo led, which is powered by a separate source. Pin #6 goes into the lamp driver of the IC and exits to pin#9, which needs ground in order to light the led. Without a ground at pin#9, the led will not light. I suspect that the presence of ground at pin #9 also triggers the internal stereo switch.
Here is a test circuit for this chip:
Again, notice how the stereo lamp gets constant positive source voltage separate from the IC. It enters pin#6, notice how pin#9 is connected to ground.
Here is the application circuit:
You'll notice how both circuits are very similar. From my experience, designers that use IC's typically adhere quite closely to the manufacturers datasheets and recommended application circuits. Although your 5350 is lacking the schematic diagram, you can be pretty sure that the actual schematic for this portion of the circuit is going to be very close. Notice once again, that the LED enters pin#6. If you follow the block diagram, you'll see that lamp driver is connected to pin#9 which needs ground to complete the led circuit, without which the led circuit is not going to activate. Also note how that same lamp driver is connected to the internal IC stereo switch which according to the block diagram, is tied to the stereo demodulator (also pin 2 goes there too, and pin#2 is the AF input). On this application circuit, you'll notice that pin#9 says "forced monaural". In other words, that pin can be used to force the chip to go into mono mode. How does it do this? I suspect that when the pin gets ground, it completes the circuit for the LED and also triggers the internal stereo switch to activate. To force mono, just remove ground.
So, once can conclude that proper operation requires pin#9 to be grounded for stereo operation, and "without ground" in forced mono. Whether this involves driving pin#9 high, or just untether from ground, I can't say.
Once thing that you didn't really clarify.... you keep referring to pin#1 of CP1. I don't want to refer to the Panasonic schematic since your circuit is apparently different. Where exactly does the pin#1 circuit go to with respects to the MPX chip? Did you trace it?