My boombox painting series project

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Member (SA)
hollyrockets said:
Great picture Holly
We are good friends with Rado and were actually talking about the idea of making some good prints from all his boomer paintings and he is so ambitious to paint new boombox paint every month. So the idea was to try to make a huge series of small quality made prints from different kind of boxes. Of course he can not paint all in those huge sizes ( gostbusters is 120X60 cm) and is taking a lot of time. We were talking for some smaller sizes like more 60x40 or even smaller because of that. Will try to sell some of the paintings here on the forum or locally and raise some money to rent a professional photographer and good printing agency to start the print series :yes: We put some cash together already just to buy some needed canvases and so on. It is probably a stupid idea but we want to try it. Im helping him to selling some of the other paintings anyway. It will be nice to give us some tips here because is all new matter. For example - about the size of the printings (we were talking something like A4 = 210mm X 297mm or A5 = 148mm X 210mm). Which one will be better. Of course the idea is to be in high quality paper and printing. It will be interesting to see how much interest will be too because ot the quantity. The idea - one new print per month. something like collectable boombox cards. All painted from Rado :yes: .
The cards will be strictly more boomer orientated. I mean more detailed boomers in different painting styles. So im stopping here for now. Rado is not good in English (not that im good either :lol: ) and he is asking me to answer some times when the questions are more complicated.
And thanks to all from him :yes: .


Member (SA)
Is there a way to get a limited edition reproduction of it? Lithograph? (Since old Max beat me to it) :-D Might to too much trouble. If not , just consider it a sincere compliment.
Dude you can have special bigger lithograph from the painting if you want of course. Or just check my above post if you are ok to have some of this "cards" :yes: . Sorry to answer instead of Rado (bondar - actually that is his second name). He is so busy lately, but im on the phone with him right now and have all answers :yes: .


Member (SA)
Fantastic work you do Rado :w00t: :yes:
Keep going man :super:

About a matter of size, It will be optimal for paintings to make em in A3, 420mm x 297mm, because from that size its possible to make a good scan and print in same size in any better equipped print shop and it will not be so expensive like when involve the professional photographer and printing agency. :-)
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