My boombox painting series project

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Member (SA)
Is there a way to get a limited edition reproduction of it? Lithograph? (Since old Max beat me to it) :-D Might to too much trouble. If not , just consider it a sincere compliment.

Master Z

Member (SA)
Earlier today when I saw this thread, I was actually watching ghostbusters on TV! :lol:

Great work man, look forward to checking out your other creations. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Is there a way to get a limited edition reproduction of it? Lithograph? (Since old Max beat me to it) :-D Might to too much trouble. If not , just consider it a sincere compliment.
All can be done. Was thinking the same actually to transfer the painting on canvas. Well be happy to paint some personal ideas too.
Hey Gluecifer – I’ll be honored to paint from your idea. Thanks you all for the nice comments. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Have a sneak peek from the progress. Tony is taking care to spy Rado :lol:




Member (SA)
bondar said:
In my introduction I mentioned my two passions - painting and boomboxes. Looks obvious to combine my two passions in some way . Decided to start a series of blaster paintings. This is my first , still in progress. Please let me know what you think. It is far from finish, but your opinions are highly appreciated. This painting is idea from one really nice member here . Have some other ideas waiting for paint as well. Hope you like it. Need few more days to finish this one. Any ideas and comments are welcome. Thank you all.

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Wow, look at all the talented people here! Amazing!!!


Member (SA)
Thank you for the nice words :bow: Pretty soon I will have the second one painting finished - Lasonic 931 :yes: . I'm feeling like I have some real will for painting boomboxes right now. And the good words from all you guys giving me extra power.
Thank You again :bow:


Member (SA)
vladi123456 said:
bondar said:
In my introduction I mentioned my two passions - painting and boomboxes. Looks obvious to combine my two passions in some way . Decided to start a series of blaster paintings. This is my first , still in progress. Please let me know what you think. It is far from finish, but your opinions are highly appreciated. This painting is idea from one really nice member here . Have some other ideas waiting for paint as well. Hope you like it. Need few more days to finish this one. Any ideas and comments are welcome. Thank you all.

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Wow, look at all the talented people here! Amazing!!!
:agree: Great work Bondar, that looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yes: :-D


Member (SA)
Bondar, in your opinion, if your an artist can you draw/paint anything? or do most artists have a particular style or subject that suits them?

Lovin your work :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
im_alan_partridge said:
Bondar, in your opinion, if your an artist can you draw/paint anything? or do most artists have a particular style or subject that suits them?

Lovin your work :thumbsup:
Thank you all.
Painter can draw any kind of paint. But sure depending on the technique of painting any one have own recognizable style. About the subject - i think that the personal taste and passion about different subjects influencing the painter style. Some times actually the passion is stopping us in some way. In my case- it took me some time to overtake the strange feeling of joining both of my passions together - boxes and painting.
Your opinions are helping me a lot. I will be really happy to paint something on personal preferences. Other people ideas are big challenge.

shane higgins

Member (SA)
i only hope that he has the wheels (ball bearings) down on that wheely hate to see it just dragging on the ground
hey next years calander your in
any star wars stuff coming along
the miss would like some break dancing border collies
if you have a talent as great as yours time to start cashing in


Member (SA)

Have you ever photographed your work with the intention of making prints? I'm aware there are special photography techniques to successfully doing this, especially regarding having the correct lighting, exposure, and angle...

I hope you can make prints so I can afford to buy one. I wonder what kind of boombox Darth Vader would listen to....

Nonetheless, here's a funny picture of my daughter on Halloween:
She said in the caption:

Darth Vader likes to Paint...

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