What's with the peeing match cpl?
First off, as far as painting M70's, the M70 in my avatar has been there since... forever. Or 2009 anyhow.
See thread:
I'm not sure it's the first M70 to be painted, but many more have been painted since, some very nicely done.
As for the lites, you mentioned your creations in the same breath as mine. You shouldn't, mine were designed for a different purpose. In fact, virtually ALL of my lighting creations (save 1) was intended to improve on the factory lighting to give pleasant classic looks, not to turn them into disco freaks which is why they don't do the things yours do. No I didn't drill holes in mine nor did I stick any flexible circuit boards on the exterior of my cases. To me, those acts would be blasphemy in the art of classic boombox restoration. Speaking of which you mentioned that mine "only" latches. Again, the purpose of that function was to allow the lights to be turned on/off using a seamless integration with the factory setup, which is ALL that I wanted my kits to do. All my kits are hand built using my own circuit board designs which I had commissioned a PCB manufacturer to cut for me. It is not the same as the one Bobby mentioned and anyone looking at the circuits can tell. Mine uses a flip flop, the other uses a decade counter. Mine has built in led driver circuit, the other does not. Mine has debounce circuitry, the other does not. I included anti oscillation circuitry, the other does not. The other kit was shown as a simple demonstration of what could be done with the decade counter, mine is a polished more refined kit. My kits are relay "ready" and can be converted to positive as well as negative trigger. I once posted a schematic of my kit and several months later, a clone popped up on eBay. As far as your kits go, you use ready built made in china rgb led kits. Not your design and all you did was install them into the boomboxes. You did not design the circuits so you can't customize the circuits to do things the systems aren't already programmed to do. You require drilling holes to snake wires externally to make switches to turn them on or off. If you designed the circuit yourself, you maybe could design it so it could be interfaced using the existing factory switches. You used the knowledge you have to do what you could, which is fine. But let's stop crowing about your design being the first or best. It's not even a design, it's just implementing those cheap chinese led kits into a boombox.
Now, then, about the "disco" setup you seem to claim ownership of, you should know that I designed a discolite version of a classic boombox way way before you ever became a member here. It was done in secret as a "gift" for another esteemed member here and lots of work went into it. Many members here know about it, and some have seen it, some have even contributed in some way to it's customization, but I didn't want to reveal it publicly until it was 100% completed (still working on shoehorning an amp feature on it before I had to move which put everything on hold) and until it is in the hands of the new owner, it will remain a hidden project. And in case you are wondering, that one also is custom built on a custom circuit board, using point/point wiring since I always intended it to be 1 of a kind, and not to be replicated. In other words, not a ready built wire it up kit.
My point is don't try to take ownership of something you "think" you are the first or best at.... there is always someone else that thought of it, or did it before, or did or does it better, etc etc. Also, if you don't like the tone of this post, it's the same tone you used in the post above this one. I'm hoping you get the idea.
Oh, last thing.... about painting speaker rings red? See this video. Everyone will recognize it as mine. That restoration was done several years ago. Notice, not 2 red speaker rings, but FOUR, haha.