My 2nd JVC RC-M70C ** Project DISCO Super Sport

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mancardo said:
Thanx, :-D

About 3 weeks of slow planning & fabrication came together for me. I put in about 2-3 hours at a time, roughly every other night, or so. Drilling the holes just perfect & attaching the LED strips are the real hard part. It takes a lot of work & patience, & practice...

Cpl :afro:


Member (SA)
Cpl-Chronic said:
After selling my M70 Boomzilla to Vintage Man, I decided to an even better version for my own listening & partying pleasure. In tradition with the other Porta-Party(tm) & Disco-mothership(tm) series, I wanted to take a top tier medium size blaster & bling it out to the max. My 2nd edition of the Boomzilla(tm) M70C will include refinements to the original version & have even more intensity in the RGB system. ALL speakers are original & the unit is squeaky clean. All screws had that satisfying tiny crack when unscrewing the mounting screws, etc. Anyway, here is some progress & more to come, later....

Phase 1 Complete:



Member (SA)

Painting the M70's may have been your original idea & I only painted the rings of mine which I had not seen you do until after I did it to mine.

I first put the full RGB system on my 777Z almost 2 years ago & did my first M70 18 months ago with full RGB leds & controllers. Not only were both radios refurbished & custom fitted with leds but also the speakers are upgreaded if possiblle to surpass the original sound. You've seen the threads on my restorations, I'm sure. I sold them both last year during the month of April & I hadn't seen any LED systems from you on BBy or ePrey, escept in the last 6-9 months. Maybe I missed something....In fact, I remember you asking me about mine on ePrey & HOW I do it.....Teeco....I do like your latest stuff, especially the 838. That looks effen dope, man & I know we both have tons of questions about each other's works. I've done 8 different radios now in the last 18 months so not sure about the 'too late with the leds' part but hey, since you brought it up I have the right to correct you since you have copied my ideas from the beginning including the RGB mod idea itself....

starting mid Sept. 2012 & proceeding on....

Oh, & let's not forget about the M70 RGB mod you completely copied from mine, even down to the placement of the body LEDs around the woofers & bottom front badge. We all get inspired by other people's ideas but I have never wholesale copied another LED mod idea from anyone. I am definitely the first on BBy to introduce the idea of an RGB LED system, that flashes to the music & all while you watched in the background & asked me questions about which controllers I used & how I did it, long before you even started your LED mods, etc. Before that, it was SuperDuper who took a St2Go member's idea of a latching IC to create his LED kit & made money from it. That inspired me to go another step further with my 777Z & then the M70, M90, 2nd 777Z, 2nd M70C, GF-8989, Sony CFS-88S & finally my JTR-1287. Each is completely unique & very different from any other LED MOD, RGB or otherwise.....



Member (SA)
Its no competition. You are the king of mods. Like i said before yours are the best!! I got the LED idea from Norm Tang 3 years ago. I paid him to do the mod for me on a M70, sanyo M9998K and a 550. When i saw yours i thought i would try to do it myself and i was told what lights to use. Yes i did have a beater that i tried drilling holes in to see if i could do one like yours and i trashed the face and parted out. Dont know when you started painting your rims but i was doing it last year. That black unit someone spoke of had red rims. You stand at the top, You da Man!!!


Member (SA)
These were done 3 years ago by Norm Tang of California!!!!


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Member (SA)
BentleyGT09 said:
Its no competition. You are the king of mods. Like i said before yours are the best!! I got the LED idea from Norm Tang 3 years ago. I paid him to do the mod for me on a M70, sanyo M9998K and a 550. When i saw yours i thought i would try to do it myself and i was told what lights to use. Yes i did have a beater that i tried drilling holes in to see if i could do one like yours and i trashed the face and parted out. Dont know when you started painting your rims but i was doing it last year. That black unit someone spoke of had red rims. You stand at the top, You da Man!!!
It isn't about any competition. I just wanted to set things straight when you made your comment about being 'late' with the LEDs on top & implying that somehow I was copying you or trying to take credit for someone else's ideas. I did not know that anyone else was painting the inside rings of their M70 when I did mine & so far you have heavily copied my LED ideas so was not sure about that. No one was using music reactive RGB LEDs like the kits I use, anywhere & you were all over me with questions about it & hadn't done anything with LEDs & now you jump on my resto thread & try to imply that I'm copying you so I wanted to show my work & the different designs which are all ORIGINAL & not a copy of someone else's work, including Norm Tang(SuperDuper) who really just used another person's idea for a latching IC for his display LED kits.....His only turns on & off, does not work by remote, does not change colors or flash or strobe to music & I haven't seen anything of yet form you that predates my MODs or anyone else that looks even close, before or after my work. I've seen 2 SHARP 777/1000/767 series blasters with music reactive systems, that may have been out there before mine but 1 isn't RGB & only has the meters & speaker rings lit up & the other has multicolored speaker rings that flash to music only as far as I can tell. Neither have the different modes that my customs have & no remote as far as I can tell.

I will NOT have it implied that somehow I am some hack taking credit for someone else's ideas when in fact we know who is copying who. I know that sounds harsh but when you hop on someone else's thread & try to imply that they are late with their ideas, you're gonna get a response, one way or another & we all know the score here....

I even offered to trade ideas with you but you never took me up on that which is OK & healthy competition keeps us both on our toes but I will draw the line when you jump on my thread & make these comments. I have plenty of ideas of my own & each radio is completely unique, not someone else's refried ideas. Sorry, just sayin'......



Staff member
What's with the peeing match cpl?

First off, as far as painting M70's, the M70 in my avatar has been there since... forever. Or 2009 anyhow.
See thread:
I'm not sure it's the first M70 to be painted, but many more have been painted since, some very nicely done.

As for the lites, you mentioned your creations in the same breath as mine. You shouldn't, mine were designed for a different purpose. In fact, virtually ALL of my lighting creations (save 1) was intended to improve on the factory lighting to give pleasant classic looks, not to turn them into disco freaks which is why they don't do the things yours do. No I didn't drill holes in mine nor did I stick any flexible circuit boards on the exterior of my cases. To me, those acts would be blasphemy in the art of classic boombox restoration. Speaking of which you mentioned that mine "only" latches. Again, the purpose of that function was to allow the lights to be turned on/off using a seamless integration with the factory setup, which is ALL that I wanted my kits to do. All my kits are hand built using my own circuit board designs which I had commissioned a PCB manufacturer to cut for me. It is not the same as the one Bobby mentioned and anyone looking at the circuits can tell. Mine uses a flip flop, the other uses a decade counter. Mine has built in led driver circuit, the other does not. Mine has debounce circuitry, the other does not. I included anti oscillation circuitry, the other does not. The other kit was shown as a simple demonstration of what could be done with the decade counter, mine is a polished more refined kit. My kits are relay "ready" and can be converted to positive as well as negative trigger. I once posted a schematic of my kit and several months later, a clone popped up on eBay. As far as your kits go, you use ready built made in china rgb led kits. Not your design and all you did was install them into the boomboxes. You did not design the circuits so you can't customize the circuits to do things the systems aren't already programmed to do. You require drilling holes to snake wires externally to make switches to turn them on or off. If you designed the circuit yourself, you maybe could design it so it could be interfaced using the existing factory switches. You used the knowledge you have to do what you could, which is fine. But let's stop crowing about your design being the first or best. It's not even a design, it's just implementing those cheap chinese led kits into a boombox.

Now, then, about the "disco" setup you seem to claim ownership of, you should know that I designed a discolite version of a classic boombox way way before you ever became a member here. It was done in secret as a "gift" for another esteemed member here and lots of work went into it. Many members here know about it, and some have seen it, some have even contributed in some way to it's customization, but I didn't want to reveal it publicly until it was 100% completed (still working on shoehorning an amp feature on it before I had to move which put everything on hold) and until it is in the hands of the new owner, it will remain a hidden project. And in case you are wondering, that one also is custom built on a custom circuit board, using point/point wiring since I always intended it to be 1 of a kind, and not to be replicated. In other words, not a ready built wire it up kit.

My point is don't try to take ownership of something you "think" you are the first or best at.... there is always someone else that thought of it, or did it before, or did or does it better, etc etc. Also, if you don't like the tone of this post, it's the same tone you used in the post above this one. I'm hoping you get the idea.

Oh, last thing.... about painting speaker rings red? See this video. Everyone will recognize it as mine. That restoration was done several years ago. Notice, not 2 red speaker rings, but FOUR, haha.


Member (SA)
Holy crap. both of you are JERKS!!! straight up!!!! I was trying to make the point that this is MY THREAD & to come here & try to imply that I am somehow copying someone else's work is BULLSHIT!!! BULLSHIT!!! BULLSHIT!!! I did not copy someone else's ideas & then make money from it. Every one of my DISCO boxes are created from scratch, no kit & no stealiong ideas form others & you seem to like to get in the fray. So be it!!! Take a look at each disco box & KNOW that is original & unique. So keep flatulating like an ass....I could give a **** what you think Super. I'm sick of your inflammatory comments & debates. STUFFIT!!!


& another thing...I guess 2000US dollars for a 'Disco Freak' is a little more than the 50 bucks you get for pawning off someone else's LED idea as a kit eh? Yeah I said it, so what?


You can also blather on about your secret DISCO box in the same post as you call mine disco freaks but I ask you when did you start that project eh? You seem to dance around that a bit & also, I never claimed to be the first to put leds but I wanted to stress the fact that some people steal ideas & then try to make it sound as if I ma stealing from them when in fact it is the REVERSE!!!! So go blow it out your woofers if you don't like the fact I nailed you for pawning off someone else's idea at 50 bucks a pop aong with your PDF's which really aren't your intellectual property either & I wonder what JVC would think if they knew you were making money form their manuals which are copyrighted!!!! BAM!!!! Instead of being generaous & uploading them for free!!! BAM!!!


Lastly, I never seen a full MUSIC reactive LED system anywhere & still haven't seen any working examples or otherwise & all you purists dumped on me until I sold 2 for over 3K on the bay & still you can't admit that maybe, just maybe I'm on to something NEW!!!!! I never said anything negative about your work norm & I don't deserve this **** & you know it so keep it up!!!



Boomus Fidelis
Dude chill out, damn. :lol: You are the one who accused Super of copying someone's work, and now you act surprised when he defends himself??

And I can guarantee he isn't "making money" off those kits, considering that there's not only the cost of materials but his time and labor as well. Ooh boy, $50-60 or whatever it is, multiplied by, what, maybe 20-30 people who have purchased them? Whoo boy, that's really making money! :lol:


Member (SA)
NO I won't chill out!!! Hew came onto MY thread when I stated the facts & picked a fight so he GOT ONE!!! MY DESIGNS ARE ALL ORIGINAL, NOT KITS OR REFRIED COPIES!!! YES I WILL SCREAM IT IF I HAVE TO & THIS CONVERSATION IS OVER!!!!


Love & Best Regards,

again, no rebuttal on the facts I presented just more egotistical bullcrap!!! Hmmm...why is that????

I also, time & again, warned you about making things personal with stupid comments but hey, I guess if you're looking for it you GOT iT!!! So what's UP!!?!?!?!



Staff member
Hey Cpl, you should learn to be able to take it as well as you can dish it out. You got no problem beating your chest and participating in peeing matches but and trashing others, but get a taste of your own medicine...... well, your reaction says it all.

You have no clue about the led kits I produce. They weren't intended to make me rich. I produced them to help out other members who wanted the same type of look mine produced. Most of the cost is to offset the cost of producing the kits. This is besides the point, which you missed entirely.

As for my "secret", now not so "secret" disco box, it will not make me $3k or $2k or even $0.01 cents. It is and was always intended as a gift for a revered member who happens to love discolites. It has probably been 4 years in the making and yes, the disco portion is and has been done for a long time now, and YES it is fully reactive to music. Only the custom amp portion of the boombox remained before life got in the way and the project put on hold. Want proof? Forget it.... I don't need to prove anything to you nor do I even care what you think. Many "respected" members have already seen it, or parts of it. Of course the other members that have helped provide parts of it obviously know about it too. Sorry to burst your bubble but you are not the secret recipient. First, you might want to learn some humility for any hope of that happening but somehow, I doubt that humility is something you are capable of. Bottom line is that you should know that there's always someone else that's done a project first, or better, or cheaper, or whatever..... As for your rgb things being original... forget it. I seen the cheapo remotes and they are the made in china rgb led light kits. Saying it's your design is akin to buying Cragar Rims, stuffing them into a beetle and saying the results is your original design. You call BS. Well, whatever dude.

Lastly, you want and thrive on these stupid petty arguments. Well, yes this is YOUR thread and since you obviously only want posts that YOU like, and I already said what wanted to say so I'm outta here. Feel free to argue with yourself however.


Member (SA)
No bubble burst here, just replying to a bunch of jerks who think it's their place to pick fights when really I haven't done that to anyone else & blame me for sticking up for myself on a thread that I started & was positive in nature but hey, you can't admit you were being petty,. stuck your face in it when NO ONE ASKED YOU!!! & now you try again to make it my fault & that is so obvious, it's just plain STUPID!!! So again, tell me where you were justified in your remaks. Again, I could care less about what you think but I will not allow you to trash me on my thread, un-provoke3d & have the last word!!! Good luck with that chump!!!

I even gave Teeco credit for the backlit controls idea. It was the only thing he didn't copy from me & if you don't like my boom-boxes, then why bring it up or make your own version for this so called great member of unknown identity? Again, did you make every circuit, on a bread-board to react to music or does it incorporate some modified controller? I modified my controllers to work with the boom-box so give it up & stop implying that I just drop in cheap chinese controllers & I didn't trash you for selling copyrighted copies of manuals, FOR A PRFIT or LED kits that were someone else's idea but you had the nerve to try to cap on me for my ORIGINAL work so bring it!!! I will reply every time so go ahead. You're a JERK & an egotist & everyone can see it now.

So go ahead, MAKE MY DAY!!! This whole thread got hijacked by BULL-$#IT artists & they need to learn some internet etiquette before they point their fingers at me in judgement. SO NO!!! I WILL NOT CHILL OUT!!! Go 'F' youselves fi you don't like it!!!!

Love & sweet whispers,


Boomus Fidelis
Cpl-Chronic said:
I didn't trash you for selling copyrighted copies of manuals, FOR A PRFIT or LED kits that were someone else's idea
You call him out for selling manuals, and then you say you didn't call him out? I don't get it. :blink:

He owns a business that sells manuals. Tens of thousands of them, in fact. So what? Copyrights for boombox manuals have expired long ago.

And you also posted twice (before Super posted), that he copied someone's idea to make his LED kit. And then you act surprised when he responds. I don't understand that either. :blink: True, you didn't trash his kit, or say it sucks or anything like that, but you still implied that it was just a copy of someone else's idea, which is false, as Super pointed out.

If you leave out certain details, it's only natural that someone is going to fill them in.
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