Most GROSS or oddest thing you have found in a boombox?

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Boomus Fidelis
hell most the boxes i buy have so many holes in em ' the roaches fell out and the packing peanuts fell in :lol: .


Member (SA)
is that boombox form ebay? is it a it a conion C 100F?
how are you going to clean it
use a presure washer, bleach
i would be afraid to bring that in my house even if it was all cleaned out & i would think about it every time i played it


Member (SA)
stereomann said:
is that boombox form ebay? is it a it a conion C 100F?
how are you going to clean it
use a presure washer, bleach
i would be afraid to bring that in my house even if it was all cleaned out & i would think about it every time i played it

Yes, its Korean C-100F that I paid decent $$ for on Epay... :-/ I swear they used some photo-editing software to get rid of the roaches in the pictures, because if you look at the box dead-on you can see dead lil roaches... even had one hanging in the lower tape deck as soon as I unwrapped it..

What started out as a simple cleaning is becoming a restoration, getting a complete facelift! Probably so I can play it indoors without thinking of the "roach box".. :sadno: I did use Bleche-wite on the inside of the front casing last night, with a hose and toothbrush getting rid of the germs and feces residue.. :-O


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I did soap and water wash then sprayed with 409 all purpose cleaner and let it sit for a minute before wiping it off...... I use my roach box almost every day :yes: :lol: . I couln't get the smell out of the speakers so if you put your nose by them and give a big WHIFF, you might catch a hint of roach turds :sick:


Member (SA)
how do you clean the Circuit Boards? i know you can't get them wet but i have seen videos on youtube of people putting motherboards in the dishwasher & they still worked after being dried
& is there a way to tell if bugs have been or are inside if you buy one from a thrift store or goodwill, yard sale
that would be a good thing to know
i always take thinks apart when i buy them used to check. but im just wondering if there is a way to know when buying because i would probably pass on it if it did


Member (SA)
stereomann said:
how do you clean the Circuit Boards? i know you can't get them wet but i have seen videos on youtube of people putting motherboards in the dishwasher & they still worked after being dried

I am wondering that myself.. After opening up my other C100F(Japan) I got this week, I noticed all the circuit boards are filthy!
Luckily no bugs in this one, but there is a mixture of dust,grime, and overspray on the insides..
It looks like a 1/74th scale town that got a blizzard and covered all the buildings and streets in snow! (you can see where I wiped off some)


Boomus Fidelis
You could use air, like a can of air you buy for computers. Sometimes I use a small paint brush to lightly brush dust and dirt. For tough stains a Qtip with rubbing alcohol....

Lasonic TRC-920

baddboybill said:
You could use air, like a can of air you buy for computers. Sometimes I use a small paint brush to lightly brush dust and dirt. For tough stains a Qtip with rubbing alcohol....

:agree: Flood it with alcohol and blow it out with compressed air, going to take a few shots.
What a mess :thumbsdown:

Master Z

Member (SA)
I found a half smoked roach from circa 1988, in my Lasonic 931 in one of the screw holes.
And no....... I did not smoke it. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
^ mud wasp nests???? That must have been in the garage, barn, or shed. That can't happen with it inside the house.


Member (SA)
Thae wasps must have some teeth, look what they did to that screw pillar. Nasty.

Shortly after I bought my B&O box, I opened it up to replace a broken volume control cord that B&O use to take the linear motion of the volume slider to the spindle of the conventional (rotary) volume control and which often would snap in these when the original silicon grease - that the sliders move in - dries off.
As I removed the screws, all yielded with the characteristic crack that signifies that they've never been turned in the other direction so it hadn't, at this stage, been pulled down before which is how to this day I have no idea how the Durex found its way in there. :blush: Fortunately, it was an unused one and still in its individual packet. Sadly, it was two years past its sell by date. According to the writing on the packet, it was a strawberry one, I didn't attempt to research this point further!
:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:


Member (SA)
Here's what I found in the speaker box on a Panny RX-DT630. It was about 1" - 1 1/2" long and had 1M+ legs. Must be a "California" thing. The box came from San Diego. Had it been alive, I probably would have burned the house down. :



Member (SA)
>Most oddest thing you have found in a boombox?
Well, once I opened this boombox, and there was another boombox inside! Then, inside that, there was another boombox! This went on for a while. It was a Russian boombox.
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