Most GROSS or oddest thing you have found in a boombox?

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bklyn sound

Requiem Æternam
i hate roaches....especially nyc roaches you hit them with a can of raid and the look at you and say (ARE YOU JOKIN ME) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Old school Scott

Member (SA)
Ha ha ha ha, yeh.
That ol' pipe was not as gross as a used finger massager though,. {no telling where that thing has been!)
I have had the roach thing happen to me though,
They love to eat what ever is inside of machinery like radios and TVs.
I learned the hard way, not to open a box on your bed. :thumbsdown:

Cheers OSS :afro:


Member (SA)
During my latest find at a local Thrift store, I found this personal female massager in the Boomboxes battey compartment :-O It was concealed in a red velvet bag with a draw string (kinda like a Crown Royal Whiskey bag). I told the cashier (Lady), "I won't be needing this extra option, so I'll only pay for the Radio". She was shocked and laughing after a coworker told her what it was.

[ Image ] Scott, This won't stop you from still wanting this Radio will it? I believe you still can "FEEL" the music. :w00t:

:sick: :sick: :sick: I don't even want to know WHY that was in there :-O

But the package says it's a "MUST HAVE" item! :w00t: :lol: That should help at resale time :blush: :lol:
This is what I found when I managed to open my Phirst Philthy Philips (Phor Phree!) - AW 7593 Turbo Bass




Aleia, my 3 year old daughter absolutely grossed out by the whole freaky show!


Member (SA)
I have a picture somewhere.... no idea where though.., of a lizard skeleton which was behind the aluminium tuning scale trim in a Sanyo MX860 I got from Hong Kong! It was quite a big specimen, I just want to know what happened to all the flesh and skin... there didn't seem to be any residue anywhere!


Member (SA)
now that is a well corroded battery box bendycat-ive got a gf555 like that....springs completely eaten away and orange crap all over....mind you it cant be as bad as 2 nights ago i was changing belts on another one and i got the old tarred up belt residue on m y parents wilton :no: :thumbsdown: still,a bit of cursing and dangerous mixture of switch cleaner and washing up liquid later,and the carpets clean again-thank fark :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
When i got my conion, it looked like the original owner used it to stash his dope in it. It had lots of seeds in the battery area when i got it. Thank GOD it wasnt skunk or it really would have stunk. LOL


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oh my god those roaches are HUGE!!!!

Dude, they must have pulled the cassette tape out and wound it around stuff in there..... but around the screw post seems like an impossible feat! :-O :hmmm: :huh:


Member (SA)
Yeah I think those were the mommy & daddy roaches, and there were tons of babies everywhere.. Even behind the chrome speaker guards! and in the tweeter grilles.. :annoyed:
I dumped em out in the garage and told my buddy to get his "stomping foot" ready!
Gonna take the next few days to do some serious cleaning on this unit before I even think about playing it indoors.. :no:

There must be a lot of cockroaches in Boynton Beach, FL? where this box came from...
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