docs said:
Incidentally, using my remote has exact the same effect whereby stop works (then it auto plays immediately) and no other buttons work.
You appear to be running around in circles chasing your own tail. Of course the remote behaves the same way. It's a 100% parallel circuit to the onboard deck buttons. Pressing stop on the remote functions exactly 100% the same as if you depressed stop on the deck.
PRESUMING YOU HAVE CORRECTED ANY MECHANICAL ISSUES and you want to focus on electrical possibilities...............:
Take pin 5 of IC701 out of circuit by removing the solder from the pad
Take pin 8 of IC706 out of circuit by removing the solder from the pad
Verify both pins are no longer connected to pad (use meter, not visual).
CHECK LIVE OPERATION. If autoplay is no longer occuring, then IC701 is
probably working OK and you may have a short elsewhere. If autoplay continues, then IC701 might be bad which is bad news since it's obsolete everywhere.
Check the following (WITHOUT POWER):
Check resistance from pad (or trace) of pin 5 (not pin 5 itself) to pin 8 of IC701. If you get ~220ohms, you have a short, likely in the play button circuit. If you get open-connection (inifinity), then restore solder to pin 5, and recheck operation. If still no autoplay, but play/stop is working, then issue could be in the timer circuit. Check Timer circuitry which includes IC706 and appurtenant components.