Hehe I'm sure you would. I was busy with school and completing my thesis so there hasn't been too much. I'm ready to primer the casing to see if it's where i like it or if it needs any minor scratches fixed etc before painting. I'll get it painted/baked by the pros at a dealership as I want a durable finish, but we'll have to see when that can happen as I'm currently jobless and looking for something in the design field thanks to my recent education
I've also been designing custom boombox concepts, not sure if you saw. They are in another thread in this section. I will build the best one, which for now is leaning towards the futuristic black box. That won't happen though until this M71 is done!
Thanks for taking up interest though buddy, it'll be a pleaser when finished I promise

I've also been designing custom boombox concepts, not sure if you saw. They are in another thread in this section. I will build the best one, which for now is leaning towards the futuristic black box. That won't happen though until this M71 is done!
Thanks for taking up interest though buddy, it'll be a pleaser when finished I promise
