JVC-RC-M90 Advise needed

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Member (SA)
There's nothing wrong with the deck transport the M-90 always have had that. I should know I owned one back in 83' and I too was confused about that sound. After listening to other M-90's back in 83' they all had that clicking sound. So don't let that make you not getting it. Trust me there's nothing wrong with it. In fact now you can haggle the guy to drop the price a bit. Because of that so called malfunction. Get my drift. ;-)


Member (SA)

You bid on the machine TWICE over a period of nearly 5 days?

From the high $800s to well over $1200 bucks?!

Auction ended on the 10th, there was a bid for $1211.00 posted on the 8th (must have been retracted, cold feet) and your winning bid of $1236.00 was posted on the 7th.................so you still had almost 3 days to ask all of these questions or to change your mind? (or cancel your bid if you had so much doubt)

Your original post reads almost like it happened by accident, like a "too many beers, oops" kind of a thing, but after looking at the bidding history, you were already playing serious hardball on the 4th

Now you want out!!!!????

When did all of this doubt start creeping into your mind?

You ask all the questions and express all of your concerns BEFORE you bid, that's how ePay works

They even have a "contact" button for you to click and one that's labelled "ask the seller a question"

That's how ePay works

If you didn't really know if you wanted it or if your wife was going to let you have it, or whatever, then you shouldn't have bid on it

Better yet, why so much so soon? (word of advice: NEVER bid early, especially on a hot ticket expensive item like this one) That box had already hit $900 bucks the FIRST DAY thanks in large part to YOUR bidding style

As for your "concerns" with the machine's "issues" (it is 30 years old give or take) they would lead me to believe that maybe collecting and owning truly great Vintage audio electronics might just not be your bag

I mean what do you expect, especially when talking a machine like a boombox; it's a miracle that any of them survive this well at all considering what their original purpose and market demographics were

Vintage electronics ANYTHING is a commitment (LOVE); if you're not willing to put in the effort then don't bid

And even if one's absolutely pristine cosmetically, these Grail boxes should all have a complete re-cap done to them to protect all of those NLA ICs and the Historical Legacy they represent if the truth be told............

Just go down to your nearest Best Buy and pick up a new RC-M90JW with perfect antennas and be done with it (oh, that's right, they haven't made them in 30 years)

A NOS M90, still in the box did sell for close to $5,000 not that long ago, so I'd consider the one you just bought a damn fine bargain assuming you are really serious about wanting to own one (and are willing to accept the reality that a little bit of effort and sweat equity is part of the commitment and the price tag)

Get real

My opinion,


Member (SA)
Marshall said:
Better yet, why so much so soon? (word of advice: NEVER bid early, especially on a hot ticket expensive item like this one) That box had already hit $900 bucks the FIRST DAY thanks in large part to YOUR bidding style
:agree: Anything worth sniping is worth sniping well. Just remember, at 10 seconds left, make your bid. Make it high 'cause you want to make sure and beat what's already on the table. ePay will only take enough from you to beat what's out there, not a bit more. You see? The rest is just in case to beat what's already out there.

The idea is to bid ONCE. The LAST bid. Not some piddly-ass bid the first day that does nothing but drive up the price.

The winning bid!

Some people don't appreciate this kind of bidding and get pissed. That's when you turn your M-90 up and yell "I can't hear you, could you speak up?"

Just sayin'. :blush:


Member (SA)
Ouch Marshall you don't hold back on your opinions! That is okay I am not offended ( maybe a little lol) I did bid too high too early . Should have waited until close to end. I DO have a M70
A VZ-2500 both near mint. M70 $350.00 VZ-2500
$550.00 bought from Europe
So I KNOW and love vintage boxes! This M90
Is pretty near mint . Yes this M90 is very nice
I should just BUY IT!


Member (SA)
prg333 said:
How does a Conin C-100 sound overall vs a
JVC-M90. Which has the better build quality
Guy just buy it and the JVC is a much better quality box.

If you keep asking questions the members here are not going to take you serious.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
prg333 said:
I should just BUY IT!

You already DID buy it! hahahah

Yes, all M90s make that deck clunk noise when you power on the box. I don't know exactly what is doing that. BUT, I always thought that maybe something was running or in standby mode when it makes that noise, so I push the stop button and it will make a clunk noise again like you just turned off the cassette deck.


Member (SA)
Marshall said:
That box had already hit $900 bucks the FIRST DAY thanks in large part to YOUR bidding style

^^^I personally think that's a GOOD thing :yes: ...the reason being i don't think it's right to let people (mainly newbie collectors) think they are going to get a grail like that for cheap...bidding high EARLY knowing that the boombox will sell high in the end anyways just bumps out the buyers with less $$$ from the get-go...we all know e-Pay/e-Pay sellers it's ALL about $$$...business is business and we all must respect that ;-) .

Now prg...your bid was a "contract"...i personally think you should be a "stand up guy" and honor your bid and follow through on the deal...it's the right thing to do IMO :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Yes I think I will just say yes to the seller. As I was the high bidder. He did not know about the bent antenna until after the auction was over. Plus a few offer slightly minor problems .
So I might be able to get a few bucks off
Don't get the M90 box in the condition the one I
Was the high bidder on too often

The M70 always Seams to be on eBay in good shape


Member (SA)
prg333 said:
Yes I think I will just say yes to the seller. As I was the high bidder

***It's not like you're buying an expensive POS...as mentioned before if you don't like it you could re-sell it with NO $$$ loss!


Member (SA)
Yes and if I get the box serviced new bent Clen contacts allign radio new bulbs etc. she will be worth several hundred more


Member (SA)
gsbadbmr said:

***It's not like you're buying an expensive POS...as mentioned before if you don't like it you could re-sell it with NO $$$ loss!
:agree: Its a win win deal prg333. Im sure theres already a few members here that might be ready to take it off your hands.


Member (SA)
Oh I did not know that the AM/FM displsy
Did NOT light up. The M70 does so I assumed
The M90 dIsplay did as well as the meters
Wonder why JVC did NOT include that In a M90


Member (SA)
prg333 said:
Ouch Marshall you don't hold back on your opinions! That is okay I am not offended ( maybe a little lol) I did bid too high too early . Should have waited until close to end. I DO have a M70
A VZ-2500 both near mint. M70 $350.00 VZ-2500
$550.00 bought from Europe
So I KNOW and love vintage boxes! This M90
Is pretty near mint . Yes this M90 is very nice
I should just BUY IT!
Well, if you are, "just a little bit" then I hope it's by, and at, yourself. Either way,I'm sure you'll get over it.

I had written about 2 pages responding to that comment, but just now it vanished, (which really pisses me off) but maybe that's a good thing.

I will share the gist of it though; YOU should have made up YOUR mind BEFORE YOU shiat on at LEAST TWO (2) other people and then some.

And stop trying to ascribe dollar amounts to minor flaws with the box (now, AFTER the fact) to in some way rationalize the fact that you're about to flake and make yourself feel "better" about it; you are supposed to do all of that, and ask all of those questions BEFORE the auction closes, not after. And it's not like you were under some super short time constraint.; it was a 7 day auction and you were already in it on day one.

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]If you do (flake), and that box is re-listed, how do you think the guy that could have had it at $1211.00 or even $1,161.00 is going to feel when the second go round it hits $1,500 or better? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]And both of those guys actually knew what they wanted?[/SIZE]

As everyone here knows, ePay is definitely a "any given Sunday" type deal when it comes to closing prices.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
I still agree with this too. I like a bargain and will pick apart a boombox to get the best price. But like Marshall said, this is all done BEFORE you sign on the dotted line, not after.

I might be one of the cheapest guys on here trying to snag any deal I can, however I can, but I have never backed out of an ebay deal where I was the high bidder. There might be one, or two times in my life that it didn't feel like the right ebay deal but I did follow through and pay for it knowing I would probably clean it up, take new pictures, and hope to make my money back relisting it for sale. That's just how it works. Don't leave that seller hanging, as far as I can tell he did nothing wrong or misleading.
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