JVC-RC-M90 Advise needed

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Member (SA)
Did you know that 117.2% of statistics are complete bollocks? :yes:

@ the O/P: Did you buy this yet? If no, why not? These aerials are at least a matching pair and will work, assuming they're connected to anything, so the way I see it is that you're paying below the recent eBay results of some M90s and the slight penalties are thae aerials and the ding on that trim. Aerials schmaerials, I'd sooner have none-o/e than none at all and that trim can be replaced as others said, or the ding filled with hard wax and polished for the time being if you don't want to get into buying parts straight away.

Get it grabbed and please show us more pictures when it lands at your house. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
So that was you that outbid me :-P
If you don't want it, I'll take it off your hands :-) It's a 60W model, you should be glad you won it!


Member (SA)
If you are questioning yourself for paying that much for a vintage boombox of any sort then you will likely be disappointed with your purchase.
I made the same mistake (once) and regretted it. I paid big money for a M-90 as well to see if it lived up to the Hype. Well its probably one of the nicer sounding boxes that came from that era but worth 1200.???
It is all in what you are willing to live with.
Me personally, No boombox is worth that kind of money.
The good news is you will probably have no problems selling it if you decide to do so.
Throw a pair of original antennas on it and a new top trim ,Clean it up a bit and add another 300.00 to the value on the resale. :yes:


Member (SA)
hemiguy2006 said:
Throw a pair of original antennas on it and a new top trim ,Clean it up a bit and add another 300.00 to the value on the resale. :yes:

Sooner or later these M90's won't pop up too often...and when a nice one does...BAMMMM...you will pay big $$$ for it...IF you rely on e-Pay and have to buy it there.

I'll tell you this...there are still nice M90's out there somewhere waiting to be found...and if i find them...i'm buying them that's just how it is :lol:

I say get it and stop having "buyer's remorse" :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
On the back of it states 70 watts.

It's really up to you how you feel about it. In my opinion it looks pretty good and like others have said a new pair of antennas and trim and you'll have a pretty good looking M-90.

If the task of fixing those two issues is what kind of make you feel doubtful then don't buy it. Actually the seller probably is a member here and he or she is reading this and getting ideas in fixing those issues to fetch more money when it is auctioned off at a later date.


Member (SA)
Hello all. I will be talking to the seller
Later today. I will see what he has to say.
Then I can decide after I talk to him
On what I will do. It is a lot of $$$
For a Bobom box. I paid less for my
Dynaco ST-70 tube amp and pre amp


Member (SA)
Yeah... She does look nice!!!!!!

A good clean and finding correct antennas seems to be all she needs on the visual aspect!

Don't change the top trip as you seemed to have wanted to. That little ding just shows that the lady has lived!!!!!!!

Antennas, yes... CHANGE!!!! And I recommend you do change the belts no mater what!

Make sure you post pics when you got her...!!!

Oh, and for the antennas... I might have the bases... but no more antennas... I could make you some, but they would be more cosmetic and not actually useable.

Let me know and keep us posted!!!!

Later!!! :afro:


Member (SA)
It's clear you don't really want it so let the seller know so that he can either re-list or give someone the 2nd chance offer thingy.

If you are still not convinced after so many members have urged you to buy it then someone else should have a crack at it.


Member (SA)
The aerials fitted will work perfectly well and, if they are longer TV ones, they may give the tuner some extra gain on SW and VHF bands. A blind man on a flying horse wouldn't know that the box didn't leave the factory with these aerials fitted so why the disproportionate emphasis some are attaching to these things?



Member (SA)
Hisrudeness said:
It's clear you don't really want it so let the seller know so that he can either re-list or give someone the 2nd chance offer thingy.

If you are still not convinced after so many members have urged you to buy it then someone else should have a crack at it.
What he said :-)

Lasonic TRC-920

Hisrudeness said:
It's clear you don't really want it so let the seller know so that he can either re-list or give someone the 2nd chance offer thingy.

If you are still not convinced after so many members have urged you to buy it then someone else should have a crack at it.
100% :yes:


Member (SA)
I talked to the seller today. He works at a
Pawn shop in NM. A walk in customer
Sold the M-90 to them. No info at all
From the previous owner.

Here is the GOOD NEWS

1. The speakers look clean and no rott
In the surrounds. Have a blue tint

2. No static or drop out from the controls.

3. The level meters work well and light up.

4. The lights for the AMS light up red 1-4

5. The AMS works, as he tested it while I was
On the telephone

6. The REW and FF functions work well
At the proper speed.

7. The radio portion sounds very good and loud clear and full.

8. Battery compartment clean. Radio sold
With NO AC cord. So only battery power is
Driving the radio


1. One antenna bent at tip. Ready to snap
Off At tip.

2. Intermittent problem with TAPE DECK.
When powered on from off. A odd clanking
Grinding sound it heard. Tape play held
Up a few seconds. Then it plays fine

3. While I was on the phone , tape was played 5 times
The odd sound happened once. It happened
A few times over the past few days when
He tested it.

4. It also happened when switching from FM
I Believe

So That problem with the deck is a concern.

What Do you guys think is causing it?

Slipping brlt? Tape transport problem?
Lack of use , sticky controls ?
Has anyone had this problem with other
M90 units?

Seller will continue to test deck with
More tapes and get back to me.

So let me know what you guys think


Member (SA)
If I decided to buy it, if the tape deck
Problem is not to serious . The seller
Is offering FREE shipping. My question is
Is there a member who has fixed many
M-90 boxes, who is very expert?

As I was thinking . Would it be possible
For me to have the seller ship the boom
Box to be fixed up?

Open her up and replace belts? Check and
Repair any tape deck problems.
Clean and ungunk any controls that became oxidized

Allign the radio portion if needed.

Replace any blown bulbs? Replace any circuit boards as needed
Clean the motors ,

I am NOT good at opening these boxes and
Working on them .

I will pay the cost of service done

Might be THE BEST way for ME to have a
Msny enjoyable Years

Let me know !!


Member (SA)
I'm betting there is nothing wrong with it. I could be wrong, and if I am someone else who knows a lot more about these than I do will be along any moment to point that out.

The tape transport noise on these is loud, but I've never heard it described as "grinding" before. Also, there shouldn't be any delay after you press "play." Are you sure it you just didn't miss seeing the tape begin to move?

If your looking into the cost of repair work, then it sounds like you've convinced yourself to buy it.


Member (SA)
Problem # 2 is normal when turning on. Not a problem. That's what its supposed to do. Buh-dum-click. Not grinding I'm sure.
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