JVC-RC-M90 Advise needed

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prg333 said:
I do plan to buy the boom box. The seller is being
Very honest about the box and all is good

That's great news and the most important part to any deal is honesty. I'm glad you will follow through. Enjoy the box for as long as you want. If it's not for you then sell it.


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
You already DID buy it! hahahah

Yes, all M90s make that deck clunk noise when you power on the box. I don't know exactly what is doing that. BUT, I always thought that maybe something was running or in standby mode when it makes that noise, so I push the stop button and it will make a clunk noise again like you just turned off the cassette deck.
The clicking you hear is full circle of the control gear to reset the mechanism.

It will click when turned on if there is NO cassette in the deck. It won't click when turned off without cassette. When there is a cassette in the deck it doesn't click when turned on, but clicks when turned off.

This info is useful if the deck doesn't work because of a stuck motor. For instance when the main belt runs partly off and the motor becomes stuck. If you still want to use the box, put in a cassette before turning it on. This way the fusible resistors will survive because the motor doesn't get powered during use. Pull the AC cord to shut it off... Otherwise it will keep the motor powered during standby. Removing the cassette while power is on isn't a good idea either, because that also triggers a click.


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
I still agree with this too. I like a bargain and will pick apart a boombox to get the best price. But like Marshall said, this is all done BEFORE you sign on the dotted line, not after.

I might be one of the cheapest guys on here trying to snag any deal I can, however I can, but I have never backed out of an ebay deal where I was the high bidder. There might be one, or two times in my life that it didn't feel like the right ebay deal but I did follow through and pay for it knowing I would probably clean it up, take new pictures, and hope to make my money back relisting it for sale. That's just how it works. Don't leave that seller hanging, as far as I can tell he did nothing wrong or misleading.
Being a smart horse trader (taking the time to educate yourself) as well as doing a little haggling is not the same thing as being cheap, although they certainly don't have to be mutually exclusive!

I just sort of jumped his **** because the original post was sounding like a "oh no, I didn't know, but IF I had......" sort of a vibe.

I looked at that ad; every legitimate issue (flaw) was addressed as well as photographed. The rest of the OP's inquiries were just coming across as someone looking to find a way via group validation to get out of a perfectly up front deal to begin with (rationalize). I'm sure there are M90s out there more close to perfect than the one we're discussing; and if that's what you want, fine; then wait until one of those is on the block and bid on THAT one (and be prepared to go all the way to close to $2 Grand and up from what I have seen). Don't come back after you've eaten the steak and then complain about how it wasn't cooked right.

THAT is bull ****.



Member (SA)
It's a DONE DEAL😊 No backing out no "Flaking"
Out! This M90 is MINE😊

Sorry to ruffle some peoples feathers with my
Slight indecision . I Do appreicate everyone's
Advise and replys/ help

The boss of the employee who I spoke to was
Very impressed with the condition of the BB

As I spoke to him tonight


Member (SA)
It's a DONE DEAL😊 No backing out no "Flaking"
Out! This M90 is MINE😊

Sorry to ruffle some peoples feathers with my
Slight indecision . I Do appreicate everyone's
Advise and replys/ help

The boss of the employee who I spoke to was
Very impressed with the condition of the BB

As I spoke to him tonight


Member (SA)
Just make sure it gets packed REALLY REALLY well to ensure it's safe arrival, or better yet...do what i do and take a long drive to go pick it up in person if you can :-D


Member (SA)
They said they will bubble wrap it very very
Thickly and double box and insure it of
Course . Shipping Via Fed Express
Better then UPS Aka The Big Brown Bear"


Member (SA)
Truly, a happy ending. I'm glad to see that you went through with the deal. I doubt you will be disappointed when its in your hands, and I'm sure you will never do that again Lol. Good luck, and post pics when you get it, Congratulations man


Member (SA)
prg333 said:
It's a DONE DEAL No backing out no "Flaking"
Out! This M90 is MINE

Sorry to ruffle some peoples feathers with my
Slight indecision . I Do appreicate everyone's
Advise and replys/ help

The boss of the employee who I spoke to was
Very impressed with the condition of the BB

As I spoke to him tonight
Glad you accepted it; this is a sore subject for me. I am currently taking advantage of (2) members here that have shown me nothing but kindness by not settling up on a money issue thanks in large part to me being ****ed by someone who flaked on a deal for an amp (thus wrecking my anticipated cash flow). And it's not the first time. I'm pretty much a "shut in" and do a lot of deals on "craigslist" (refurbishing small electronics and then selling them). BUT not my JVCs and any other boxes I may come across, that is not why I joined this forum. I mainly deal in speakers and sometimes turntables if they're worthwhile (I can stand behind them). I also do my own tube amp work, but not so much lately; I have an issue with one of my hands.

It is MY fault for counting chickens before they hatched (counting on cash before it was actually in my hands) but still I share this only to speak to vacillaters, "pic" collectors and all the various and sundry time vampires I encounter routinely when trying to keep some semblance of cash flow going by trying to sell equipment and buy from other "craigslisters". And especially the insult looms large when I know almost right off the bat they're a waste of my time (by the endless, mindless questions they ask for DAYS of emails) combined with the fact that I would NEVER and NEVER have sold anything I wouldn't buy myself. In fact, 100% of the pieces I sell spend at least 6 months or so with me before I even do put them on the "block". It's how I can try and enjoy all the stuff I could only look at in the window when I was young. Besides the fact that I will only sell local, in my home, so why all the bull **** questions? Just come and audition, if you don't like what you see, walk away?!

You know, the JVC boombox that just recently came into my life has gotten me to listen to more Music this past month than I have the entire past 12. And I own a fairly decent "main" system.

There's just more of an emotional connection with the Music for me doing the "low-fi" thing. This RC-M60JW is the best thing that's happened to me in a while.

Enjoy your new box.


Member (SA)
Marshall said:
There's just more of an emotional connection with the Music for me doing the "low-fi" thing. This RC-M60JW is the best thing that's happened to me in a while.

Enjoy your new box.
"Low-fi" ??? There must be something wrong with your box... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I find most of the stuff people use today are way more "low-fi" than the boxes we enjoy, they're beautiful sounding.... Even crystal clear some of them... but that's just my opinion.

Off-topic, sorry guys.


Member (SA)
I am excited about getting the mighty
M90. It appears to be working fine
Including the tape deck. But I dont
Know it's history at all. Belts don't usually
Last 30 years. So I assume the belt must
Have been changed ad some point, maybe a couple of times

What kind of service should be Done with
These boxes at this age, even if all works
Well at the moment?

I am NOT good at fixing these boxes?

Does anyone in the USA in this group
Do service on boom boxes for other

As It would help Insure that my newest
Purchase Lasts for many many happy
Listening years
Let me know guysThank you


Member (SA)
trippy1313 said:
"Low-fi" ??? There must be something wrong with your box... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I find most of the stuff people use today are way more "low-fi" than the boxes we enjoy, they're beautiful sounding.... Even crystal clear some of them... but that's just my opinion.

Off-topic, sorry guys.
I meant it as a term of endearment as I posted at "stereo2go":


Originally Posted by agentorange:
Which brings us full circle, does anyone really collect boomboxes on the basis of their sound quality? Really? I thought this hobby was about style and period charm. Isn't it like collecting vintage Vespa's on their road holding abilities?

My reply:


It was a long and painful process to learn the lesson and cost me a lot of wasted time and money. I found myself so far from the original goal and point I didn't even recognize exactly what I was doing.

But what I wasn't doing was listening to, enjoying, and having that sound track of your Life going just about every waking hour, AFTER I got away (lead and distracted) from what I call the "Lo-Fi" experience. I was perfectly happy with it from around 4 to 40 years old!

You cannot recreate it at any price with your home rig "Hi-Fi". It is the most wonderful direct emotional and spiritual connection you can have with the Music because you are absolutely free and unencumbered from, and by, any "audiophool" expectations or bull shiat thoughts focused on listening to equipment. Rather, it's "party time"!

It's the last wonderful cousin to the single speaker in the center of the dash fidelity thing; ever heard a Top 10 single (for the first time) sound any better than through that one?

Only exception to this feeling/position/opinion nowadays is my vinyl playback and even then certain material would be much better served being listened to on a cassette through a boombox.

That's why I'm here now.



Member (SA)
prg333 said:
They said they will bubble wrap it very very
Thickly and double box and insure it of
Course . Shipping Via Fed Express
Better then UPS Aka The Big Brown Bear"
Most damage occurs due to the contents of the box being able to move around (as when the carrier drops, throws or just "chucks" the carton during the shipping process/journey).
I have learned that some "hard" wedges" (as simple as cardboard folded to make some inserts for all four corners and the top and bottom) will keep the piece of equipment stationary and solid in the interior section of the carton (just like what the heavy foam inserts did originally). In other words it can never be up against the inner wall of the container. You can crack a case or bend a face plate and the outside of the box will look perfectly fine, IF the heavy piece inside is allowed to move around.
So, I would suggest/request the packer make certain to use some sort of wedges or spacers above and beyond just bubble wrap, even with "double boxing".

My 2 cents, but I've shipped a lot of delicate equipment, including cassette decks and turntables and have never had any damages.

Hope you enjoy your new addition!



Member (SA)
Thank you for your suggestions about the
Cardboard holders in the corners . I will suggest
It to the pawn shop where the radio is shipping
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