Just a sneak peek at the next project

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Boomus Fidelis
Looks awesome man I wish you could come down here and hook something up like that in my Jeep.


Member (SA)
Hey thanx Floyd!! :bow: It wouldn't be that hard if you buy the kit & know basic stereo wiring....Just install the module in an out of the way spot that can still be visible for the remote & wire up your strips, power leads(12-24v DC) & install them using glue or the sticky backing if it holds to the surfaces.....


Gonna wire up the last of the LEDs tonight & fab the custom installation of the knobs & remote eyes, ground the copper foil shielding & test, test, test.....

Stay tuned...


Lasonic TRC-920

Cpl-Chronic said:
Hey thanx Floyd!! :bow: It wouldn't be that hard if you buy the kit & know basic stereo wiring....Just install the module in an out of the way spot that can still be visible for the remote & wire up your strips, power leads(12-24v DC) & install them using glue or the sticky backing if it holds to the surfaces.....


Gonna wire up the last of the LEDs tonight & fab the custom installation of the knobs & remote eyes, ground the copper foil shielding & test, test, test.....

Stay tuned...

Damn dude, this project has really come a long way.

Testing is the best part! Sit back, admire your work and pump some tunes!


Member (SA)
Thanx 920!! :rock:

It feels good to get some approval from the heavy hittin' modders here.... :-D :-D :-D

I just finished off the cassette LEDs & took the LED system for a test spin, for design evaluation, while crankin the M90 DSICO KING GHIDORAH in the corner, out of camera shot...

Stay tuned...

Cpl :afro:


Member (SA)
thanx SLO!! :-D

Still have to glue down the wires for the cassette LEDs, ground the foil shielding, route the wires for the remote sensors & sens. pots/knobs etc. find a spot for the controller cards & button everything up for a 1st dry run to iron out the kinks, etc....

stay tuned...



Member (SA)
OK, got the sensitivity controls installed & finished each off with a chromed knurled Fender guitar knob for a touch of solidity & class....Both remote sensors are installed on each side of the 'Prosonic' emblem & their corresponding rocker switches to turn them 'on' or 'off' so I can control each section separately or together, depending on the effect you want...

Videos coming soon....



Member (SA)
Again Thanx SLO! Just finished the first dry assembly & first run testing for rattling wires, noise in the audio etc....

I still have a lot of refinement left to do to the install before I certify it as DONE! So far it looks real promising...a bit of noise in the audio & 1 woofer rattles early which probably means that there's a stray cable bumping the woofer in the back or something is loose & mimicking the sound.....that will be an easy fix....I still have to further isolate the LED noise from the audio but so far its livable....

Video coming...first run..

Stay tuned...



Member (SA)
Well, I caught a few noisy audio snags to sort out. I had to rip apart the entire system down to each individual connection & reroute all the wires away from the Line-In/Phono section, pre-amp/function controls & tape head wires, etc....

I reworked this part of the project about 3 times now & the connectors are holding up very well. I've only had to resolder 1 peg on a fan-cable & that is it so far....


Stay tuned...video coming later tonight on the 2nd Beta testing sessions...



Member (SA)
Ok, here's where we're at so far...I took all the connections apart & snaked the cables for the LEDs across the back of the woofer on the left side, tucked the ground wire high up in the corner away from the Line In pegs that were completely open to RFI noise, ugh!! It turns out that smart rethinking of the wire paths inside the blaster was the final piece of the noisy puzzle. The ground foil is doing an excellent job of shunting the LED noise to ground & the wire placement took care of the rest...

Stay tuned for videos of the first BETA test....

Hopefully I'll have to crack the case open 1 more time to finish off some details & that's it!! ALL fully working & sounding awesome!!!
BAM!!! :-D :-D :thumbsup: :dj-party:


Member (SA)
Man... the patience you guys have to do this kinda stuff. All the pLanning aND brainstorming, then to do it... I'm envious just of that. Great work Cpl.


Member (SA)
Man... the patience you guys have to do this kinda stuff. All the pLanning aND brainstorming, then to do it... I'm envious just of that. Great work Cpl.


Member (SA)
trippy1313 said:
Man... the patience you guys have to do this kinda stuff. All the pLanning aND brainstorming, then to do it... I'm envious just of that. Great work Cpl.
Thanx Trippy!! :-D

This MOD was 1 of the harder 1's to pull off because the original audio circuits are so prone to RFI noises...I had to use copper foil tape on the inside of the front panel to shunt any stray RFI to ground & then spend literally hours upon hours to find the right wire routing away from sensitive circuits, etc. Then the fabrication of all the splitters & cables for the LEDs....took about 100+ hours of solid planning & work to finally pull it off....

Feels good to finally succeed after the frustration of isolating the noises... :yes: :yes:

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