LOL thanks SLO

Mmmm updates, sweet sweet updates....

Both decks are humming along, the lower one was missing that super-thin machine screw for the back so I bored out the plate and used a slightly larger self-tapping one. It was the only one I could find that was even close, but the head was stripped, so I dremeled a groove in it. Flathead screw now

The bottom of the plate has to be secure against the rest of the deck or else the catch for the groove in the solenoid falls out. You don't want that, that's bad.
Now the buzzing. It's strange, you can see the tape run lights get brighter when it buzzes, like the whole radio is surging off the mains. If you use either deck the buzzing goes crazy. If you just listen to the radio though, the buzzing is less often, and when it's not there it sound crisp and clear.
I tried a spare transformer board from a Conion and it worked fine, but the buzzing remained. Okay, not that board. The buzzing is there on batteries too, and it's not the stereo mode switch as I thought, so I'm thinking it might be cracked solder joints on the bass/treble/balance knobs, your bass knob is doing freaky stuff like mine did, but it cleared up with a resolder, so I'm going to try that. I'll have the whole board out at that point and I can take a good look at all the parts. The way it buzzes when things pull hard, i.e. a tape motor, on the main power, makes me think there's improper grounding in either an intermittent solder joint or a bad part like a cap or amplifier chip. We. Shall. See.
Props to Joe for the nice harnessing