It ain't easy.... being GZ!

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7 months later, time to dig into the C100 !

I tore my ACL in July so everything has been on the back burner. Had surgery late October. Healing, therapy, and holidays have taken priority.

You really have to be in the right mood to dive into a C100 teardown, today just felt like the right day. I labeled the wires, swapped amp board, swapped main vol/bal/bass/treb board. Have everything back together but refuse to connect the power until I get some things figured out.



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Thanks ;-).

Hopefully I get this power wire location figured out and plug this beast in.


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Got the wire situation figured out with someone's help.

It has a hum coming through the speakers and headphones. The curcuits seem to be motorboating also through the speakers and headphones. I get pretty clear even sound until I hit #5 (dot below 10) on the volume. Picks up stereo FM, line in, all good just sounds like crap over 5.

I suspect these replacement boards I got need a cap replacement and/or amp ics.

Better than the paperweight I started with, ha!


Member (SA)
My baby is alive!!!
Joe you are one hell of a guy. Your time and effort is appreciated.
Can't believe there is actual music coming out of that thing!
Sure hope we can get her back to her former sad what happened to her. She used to pound the streets like a true blaster should!


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Thanks dudes. At the point I got it there was nothing to lose. I was hoping for any kind of improvement and even that video is a world of difference than it was. Right now I will tinker with some things and see if I can get the sound to stop popping and going crazy. Maybe clean the record bar, deox from inside the radio, etc..... there is hope!
I was working on a members Aiwa TPR-995 the other day and it was making all those random popping noises prior to a switch clean - perfect now. The controls on that C100F sound kinda scratchy so definately worth a try. :-)

Great work BTW - the C100F is certainly not an easy boomer to work on - quite the challenge I recall!


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I gave her one last go around and the problem persists.

That's ok, because there is still hope!

Now she is going on a vacation to be pampered hopefully to come back and be the beautiful flower I know is in there.

You gonna put it in the fridge? :-)

I just remembered the C100F I worked on had a channel that would pop and carry on. Take a look at the amp chips. I found that when it popped, the volume of the pop was much louder than the music volume level and would cause the VU meters to go crazy. After I reflowed and resoldered the amp chip legs, full output was restored.

I assumed at the time that the brief interruption of the power supply to the amps would cause the pop when power was restored, thus bypassing any pop suppression circuitry (if indeed that circuit exists in the C100F). The problem worsened as you turned up the volume - this I assume could be because of the increased power needed by the amp being interupted by the increases resistance caused by cold solder joints or the extra vibrations caused by the speakers rattling the chips!?

From memory, the legs from the Conion factory had very little solder. When the C100F is lifted, a slight amount of flex of the chassis causes a slight twist to the main board that stresses the amp leg solder joints.

Worth a try. I was able to reflow them without completely removing the main board.

Or you could at the least, take the back off and try gently flexing the main board to replicate the fault.

Edit: After watching the video again, it appears to be motor boating so a recap may be in order.


Member (SA)
Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I've got a good feeling about this one.
I'm pretty sure this vacation she's going on is her best shot at rejuvenation.
I know she'll be in good hands.
Thanks for everything're a saint.


Member (SA)
Rest assured it's not dead, or maybe it was dead, because I'm really hoping this belt has rigor mortis and not something else less proper.



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Maybe he has to investigate the record bar for the deck. Either way, this is great to see!
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