I've never owned a single audio device that didn't distort.
I always laugh at people who say "You can crank up this boombox all the way and it doesn't distort!!!"..............Yeah, that's because the bass knob wasn't on max, the Loudness button wasn't on, or your iPod volume was low.
Also, distortion has no bearing on product quality. Even a $20,000 McIntosh will distort if you push it enough.
Therefore, for someone to say "This product sucks because I can make it distort" is stupid. Think about it, a talking greeting card doesn't distort, but that doesn't make it a high quality product. The only reason it doesn't distort is because there are no volume or bass knobs on a greeting card.

If there were, you could make it distort.
I suppose someone could built a product where the volume control only allowed you to access a small portion of the amp's potential, but that doesn't make it a good product. That just makes it a product designed for pussies.