Indoor sound contest: Deep, large, room filling sound

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Boomus Fidelis
How do you figure the Diamondboxx is better for indoor listening? Just because it's louder doesn't mean it sounds better indoors.

For indoor listening, you want good bass that starts early at low volume levels, which the Aiwa has. The Diamondbox might have a higher total AMOUNT of bass, but it might not come on as soon as the Aiwa does. As for which box sounds more "high fidelity", that's just one guy's opinion.

You should really just buy the damn things, compare them yourself, and if you don't like them, return them.


Member (SA)
Well let's just ask the guy what he thinks is better indoor then. But why only focus on bass, why would boosted unnatural bass be a factor for indoor listeners? The Telefunken studio 1 is said to be hifi, a very good indoor boombox, no one said it was boosted on bass. Again, the specifications about the DB says it works great at low volume. No one ever said it was a bad indoor unit.. so based on that, I can guess that thing works at lower volume.

As for opinions about what is hifi and what is not, I don't think it can be subjective. I mean, your unit either has those damn mids and highs or it doesn't. Not subjective at all

Peace :-)


Member (SA)
Looks like ScareDe2 gain someting, or even working for DiamondBoxx... ...and try to "feel" the market of modern boxes, between boombox collectors...

Just MY 2cents of opinion, right!!



Member (SA)
I hope you are joking. It's pretty obvious that I am in a quest to find the best sounding box, no one can listen and compare them all. Why would I spend thousands of dollar to get overpriced vintage boomboxes if for a fraction I can get better? Also, people have clearly stated here that they don't wish vintage boomboxes to gain in value, that they rather prefer collecting them at the lowest possible price, so what's wrong telling everyone the truth about what are the real deals in the boomboxes world, that would contribute to lower the nasty prices on some vintage materials...



Boomus Fidelis
"Boosted unnatural bass"........what does that mean? It's just his opinion. Every box has its own natural EQ curve that was selected by the manufacturer, based on whatever components they chose. Either the reviewer likes it or he doesn't. It's all just opinion.


Member (SA)
Perhaps he owns a good pair of headphones and/or he has experience with hi fi home stereo. That guy is reviewing plenty of stuff I guess he also heard at least once in his life an expensive home system. Based on that, everyone can determine if a boombox has overly done bass.


Boomus Fidelis
ScareDe2 said:
ScareDe2, on 03 Jul 2016 - 08:38 AM, said:ScareDe2, on 03 Jul 2016 - 08:38 AM, said:ScareDe2, on 03 Jul 2016 - 08:38 AM, said:

As for opinions about what is hifi and what is not, I don't think it can be subjective. I mean, your unit either has those damn mids and highs or it doesn't. Not subjective at all
Dude the word hifi is 100% subjective. It's like calling a wine "premium"'s meaningless

Wine tasters don't just say "it's a good wine, it has a good balance of acid, tannin and sugar". They say things like "it has underlying notes of leather, cigar and licorice. The body is light, the initial draw is fruit-forward, but the finish is tart and long-lasting".

It's just like speakers. Magazines who rate speakers don't just say "it has a good balance of bass, mids and treble". They use lots of other language to describe how it sounds.


Member (SA)
Between boombox enthousiasts who has experience with higher end equipments, why it should be subjective?

The fact that marketing used hi-fi to sell more units doesn't change the true meaning. It means high fidelity, best sound reproduction, closest from the original work. I understand many can be biased, many will just think I love this sound so it's hi-fi to me, well, they are wrong, simple as that.

Why should we create extra language, hi-fi already exist now wether people want to use it to express their biased opinions it's not my fault. That being said, the guy reviewing the DiamondBoxx has experience with sound equipment, he doesn't try to sell us nothing. In this case, I am confident that Hi-Fi means Hi-Fi.


Member (SA)
I got an answer from Javi



Member (SA)
Firstly, to compare an older Vintage box to todays units is not fair as technology advances and nobody here will argue that.

Secondly, to state sound isn't subjective is ludicrous. How we each hear is VERY subjective., and you seem to be starting to argue semantics now over the meaning of HIi-Fi. I just wish I could recall the video that discusses this atm as it is a real eye-opener .

One might feel that they like the sound of one speaker or amp over the other, and the next person the opposite. Amplifiers and speakers have been claiming theirs to be better because blah blah blah, since this all started many moons ago. It is interesting to find the different synergies between certain amp/speaker combos also. Hook up say, an hk 930 to a set of one makers' speaker and maybe the bass is too boomy, then hook up an Akai amp per say, and the bass is tighter and overall the sound more open. Gonna take someone's opinion as gospel, nope.

I've been around "Hi-Fi" my whole life cutting my audio teeth listening to Threshold, McIntosh, Crown amps running Infinity Refeance Standard , JBL L-300's and Fostex LS3's and 4's, and I can remember guys stating they liked one over the other and all were very good stuff, but subjective to their ears. I can certainly say that in my humble experience that those are actually what most would condider Hi-Fi if you want to get technical . Look up these makes and their equivalents today and see what real Hi-Fi costs, and you can spend a Fark of a lot more too! There isn't a boombox made on the planet I would 'guess', that even comes close to hifi, so what is the point??? That , obviously is someone's "interpretation" of it, but to expect true Hi-Fi for $1000 is just a joke, and I am sure no one here would rate any of these boxes true Hi Fi, but there is good, better and best (in each ears' subjective opinion of course) boomers for sure, but to class as hifi, nah.

"As close to Hi-fi as you can get in a Boombox" may be a more appropriate statement.

Also, when someone tells us one unit sounds this way or that (in their opinion) we are already pre-disposed to think that way when we get around to listening to it, and THAT is a scientific fact. Manufacturers' sales people use this tool to sell you their gear . You can NEVER compare a sound you heard yesterday, or even an hour ago, to something you just heard for we cannot remember the sound accurately enough, let alone the change in environments. It must is a true side by side comparison by yourself to be accurate.

So, as Reli stated: "You should really just buy the damn things, compare them yourself, and if you don't like them, return them." for as you said: In this case, I am confident that Hi-Fi means Hi-Fi.

Better yet, spend the $1000 putting together a vintage home system if you listen mostly indoors anyway, and get a nice boomer for outside.

I need a nap


Member (SA)
ScareDe2 said:
As for opinions about what is hifi and what is not, I don't think it can be subjective. I mean, your unit either has those damn mids and highs or it doesn't. Not subjective at all

Peace :-)

I'll disagree a little with this. Thing is. EVERYBODY hears things differently. Everybody. Bass and treble you hear may sound different than I hear it, and the next person. You can say "A mojarity says it sounds like ..." but unless it's 100% unanimous, then it's 100% subjective.


Member (SA)
The primary purpose of a boombox is to play sound. If the JVC M90 is a poor sounding unit compared to new ones, then its real value is below that price. I understand the collectible bubble has increased its value. But if you are on a desert island and you have to choose between any music played on a DB or on a JVC, the choice is very obvious.

"As close to Hi-fi as you can get in a Boombox" may be a more appropriate statement.
Indeed we are on the boomboxes scale. I never pretend those can match an expensive 50k home system. An Hi-fi boombox is an Hi-fi boombox, an Hi-fi bookshelf, table-top or compact system (or whatever it's supposed to be called) is what it is on its own scale. Then it can get more and more expensive, might as well save your money to attend classical concert, but like I said, I am searching for the best sounding box.

If you say no boxes can be Hi-Fi, then fine.
That video comparison was actually pretty informing to my mind. Having the YouTube video play on the V5.0 altered the normal sound signature drastically due in no small part to the quality of the recording mic and the YouTube processing. However, I did observe the following:

The mids sounded subdued, not silent but easily over powered by the bass. The Exos9 bass sounded much deeper than the DiamondBbox but less controlled and more hollow sounding. The plastic case wouldn't be helping this issue. I think as vintage Boombox collectors, we all crave the one thing that's often weaker on our old girls and that's deep bass. The Exos9 is understandly popular with the bass guys as the Exos9 goes very deep.

The DiamondBbox sounds much more up front with much stronger mids and highs. The bass doesn't over power the mids and highs as it doesn't go as deep. The bass also sounds more controlled, more of a tight mid bass to my ears. As the mids are more fuller sounding, it will appear much louder to human ears. The DiamondBbox is probably leaning toward are more 'monitor' style of speaker where accuracy is more important than fat bass.


Member (SA)
ScareDe2 said:
The primary purpose of a boombox is to play sound. If the JVC M90 is a poor sounding unit compared to new ones, then its real value is below that price. I understand the collectible bubble has increased its value. But if you are on a desert island and you have to choose between any music played on a DB or on a JVC, the choice is very obvious.
Again I'll disagree a little. But unless I'm also blind, if I'm stuck on an island, being abe to hear anything would suffice. But I'd rather be stuck looking at a JVC than that DiamondBoxx.

The other thing is, looks can influence a sound, you see a beautiful box such as the M90, and some of us just blush with the sound coming out of it. Even if it does a a few audio flaws.

I'll compare it to the likes of a female... the JVC is that smoking hot babe, that despite having some flaws she looks so good you never notice.

Not that the M90 has many flaws at all.

Fact is, most the people on this sight are here because we are boombox enthusiasts... Yes sound is important, of course, but I think a lot of us are more into that classic look and feel. Some of us upgrade to make them a little more modern, but we almost all like that classic feel and look. The Diamondboxx, even though it probably sounds fantastic, falls flat (in my own personal opinion) in the looks department.


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
That video comparison was actually pretty informing to my mind. Having the YouTube video play on the V5.0 altered the normal sound signature drastically due in no small part to the quality of the recording mic and the YouTube processing. However, I did observe the following:

The mids sounded subdued, not silent but easily over powered by the bass. The Exos9 bass sounded much deeper than the DiamondBbox but less controlled and more hollow sounding. The plastic case wouldn't be helping this issue. I think as vintage Boombox collectors, we all crave the one thing that's often weaker on our old girls and that's deep bass. The Exos9 is understandly popular with the bass guys as the Exos9 goes very deep.

The DiamondBbox sounds much more up front with much stronger mids and highs. The bass doesn't over power the mids and highs as it doesn't go as deep. The bass also sounds more controlled, more of a tight mid bass to my ears. As the mids are more fuller sounding, it will appear much louder to human ears. The DiamondBbox is probably leaning toward are more 'monitor' style of speaker where accuracy is more important than fat bass.
According to precise testing, the DB has lower bass than the E9. Perhaps the full body sound with mids and highs make the bass looks more shy in the video test while in fact it's very good sounding even according to Javi. I will still look like the guy who work for DiamondBoxx but it's just that I have been searching a lot lately to find, so here it is:

Anyway, unless there is a superior sounding box commercially available, I hereby declare the DiamondBoxx the King of all boomboxes. :-P :-P :-P
Well, after you've bought a DiamondBoxx, let us know what you think of it. The B stock looks pretty cheap for $699 with maybe a minor blemish to the front panel. :-)

One last thought, imagine how awesome a big, 8 inch driver version of the DiamondBoxx would be!! :-)


Member (SA)
Yes I am pregnant I will have a DiamondBoxx soon. I am waiting my new baby for this week or the next. I already know the front panel color, she will be gold. No doubt I will have to take good care otherwise she might end up disturbing the neighborhood A LOT! :-D
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