Firstly, to compare an older Vintage box to todays units is not fair as technology advances and nobody here will argue that.
Secondly, to state sound isn't subjective is ludicrous. How we each hear is VERY subjective., and you seem to be starting to argue semantics now over the meaning of HIi-Fi. I just wish I could recall the video that discusses this atm as it is a real eye-opener .
One might feel that they like the sound of one speaker or amp over the other, and the next person the opposite. Amplifiers and speakers have been claiming theirs to be better because blah blah blah, since this all started many moons ago. It is interesting to find the different synergies between certain amp/speaker combos also. Hook up say, an hk 930 to a set of one makers' speaker and maybe the bass is too boomy, then hook up an Akai amp per say, and the bass is tighter and overall the sound more open. Gonna take someone's opinion as gospel, nope.
I've been around "Hi-Fi" my whole life cutting my audio teeth listening to Threshold, McIntosh, Crown amps running Infinity Refeance Standard , JBL L-300's and Fostex LS3's and 4's, and I can remember guys stating they liked one over the other and all were very good stuff, but subjective to their ears. I can certainly say that in my humble experience that those are actually what most would condider Hi-Fi if you want to get technical . Look up these makes and their equivalents today and see what real Hi-Fi costs, and you can spend a Fark of a lot more too! There isn't a boombox made on the planet I would 'guess', that even comes close to hifi, so what is the point??? That , obviously is someone's "interpretation" of it, but to expect true Hi-Fi for $1000 is just a joke, and I am sure no one here would rate any of these boxes true Hi Fi, but there is good, better and best (in each ears' subjective opinion of course) boomers for sure, but to class as hifi, nah.
"As close to Hi-fi as you can get in a Boombox" may be a more appropriate statement.
Also, when someone tells us one unit sounds this way or that (in their opinion) we are already pre-disposed to think that way when we get around to listening to it, and THAT is a scientific fact. Manufacturers' sales people use this tool to sell you their gear . You can NEVER compare a sound you heard yesterday, or even an hour ago, to something you just heard for we cannot remember the sound accurately enough, let alone the change in environments. It must is a true side by side comparison by yourself to be accurate.
So, as Reli stated: "You should really just buy the damn things, compare them yourself, and if you don't like them, return them." for as you said: In this case, I am confident that Hi-Fi means Hi-Fi.
Better yet, spend the $1000 putting together a vintage home system if you listen mostly indoors anyway, and get a nice boomer for outside.
I need a nap