I hit the one in a million Boombox lottery! CAUTION: Might be the longest post you've read!

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Member (SA)
What a great story!!
Howie you deserve this! It's these stories that make this site so special!

Well done!


Member (SA)
That's an amazing story Howie. I don't know how you had the patience to way 5 months. That in its own is impressive.

Bob looks a lot older with his hat on. I swear taking off the hat took of 20 years.

Sounds like you save a lot compares to what you were willing to spend. Well done. Happy for you man!


Member (SA)
I can smell the newness through the screen!
The pic of the cardboard box is terrific!
Making your wife sleep on the floor..? :lol:


Member (SA)
Congratulations Howie! It could not have happened to a nicer guy, I'm so thrilled to see it's part of the family :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Reli said:
Wow man, congrats! That's a helluva story and a sweet box. Great writing too! Did you tell your wife that you could probably resell it for $2500+ if you needed to? Ha ha, seriously!

Can't believe you didn't tell us for 5 months!

That dude's beliefs are very interesting, and cool. I'm the opposite, I only sell on Ebay because personally I think it's easier. I don't have to deal with flakes asking to meet me somewhere, and then never showing. But to each his own.
Yeah, it was tough to wait fine months. The first two went by so slow and then it was kinda out of sight, out of mind, so the time went a little quicker and before I knew it, it was time to go on the road. About a month in, Chris asked me if I was sure about waiting all that time to get it. He said that a lot could happen in 5 months, such as Bob coming into a sudden need for cash or since he was older, he could die! :blush: That got me thinking so I sent Bob an email. I told him that some of my friends didn't think it was a good idea to wait 5 months to seal the deal. He responded like only Bob would. He said, "Howard, don't worry, the boombox is yours, I will be in Albuquerque on the 19th of June to meet you. The only thing that will stop me is if I kick the bucket. And if that happens, I've told my wife about the deal and you can get the boombox from her." Now that's about as close as I could get to actually being in his will. Bob's word was good enough for me! :clap:
T-STER said:
Wow Howie that was the most amazing story and that C100 is a once in a lifetime score. Its mint!

This prompted me to have the "what if" chat with my wife, she sat here and read the story with me and after we hashed out "boombox protocol" in case i find a minty MX-920/C100/M90 just down the road !!! I think i did all right out of that chat actually so thanks.

I'm happy for you, that must of been a long 5 month wait, so glad it had a happy ending.

Congrats bro :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
Makes me feel so good that this story could help bridge the divide between wife and boombox. Cause fellas, we need all the help we can get when it comes to that department! :-D

Rimmer36 said:
That last pic cracked me up, nice to see there are still some honest people left in the world not driven by greed, i think the only other member with a boxed conion is driptip on stereo2go...ohh don't let gordie read this post lol, congrats fella :-)
This experience and meeting Bob has taught me a huge lesson. The goal shouldn't always be to make the most money but instead make enough money. There is a big difference. For Bob, what I was giving him was more than enough. I truly believe that if someone were to have offered him double what we had agreed upon after we made the agreement, he would not have taken it for two reasons. 1) He is a man of his word and 2) What I offered him was simply enough. It's that simple.
MyOhMy said:
Congrats, that's the best acquisition story I've ever read and I can hardly wait until you make a major score again, the last photo was genius! It's been a pleasure to hear that ethics are alive & well and played such an important part in this deal, this should be the Gold Standard of such deals.
I would love to make another major score! But the reality is, I don't know how it could get any better. I truly hit the lottery twice on this one. I found a one in a million box in the hands of a one in a million guy. And I'm truly okay with not ever finding another major score. Bob taught me that sometimes enough is enough. :-)


Member (SA)
Lol!! What a great story!!

Not my favourite stereo by a long way but it shows that there are a lot of them hiding out there :-)

Even here in the UK I'd say every few months one comes up often at a silly low price & these machines must be saved & enjoyed by people that love them :yes:

I know the feeling you were having when you got it - there's nothing better in the stereo world!!


Member (SA)
Greatest boombox collection experience ever.

I had a very similar experience while acquiring a JVC M70 in India. The M70 itself was used and old, but was working.

The ad came in a local classified for a very low price, I called him from abroad and confirmed the deal, though it was to be collected from a distance of around 5 hours' driving. I set my buddy to collect it from my native place in India and called the seller in the evening to confirm the collection. Then he told me that he is being flooded with offers and the offers have reached 5 times the asking price. He was wondering what is so special about this old stereo. However he did say that since I am the first caller, he would give it to me as per the first deal.

He was an old retired gentleman. I told him he has the choice of not selling it now and try for better gain later. But he said he will close the deal now. I gave substantially more than what others offered and collected it. And sent him a box of foreign chocolate as he wished, during my next vacation!


Member (SA)
I so enjoyed reading that post. Brilliant story. And to think I paid £1000 for c100f that got badly damaged in the post by UPS. Great story I'll read again. I love that final in bed with the box. Brilliant.

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Robb said:
I think my $40 M90 was the lottery win... haha
I agree, your beautiful $40 M90 sure is the lottery winner but.....
Put a bunch of heavy hitters in a row and watch all the uninformed punters go to the C100 and Master Blaster. People don't even seem to notice the awesome 'little' grey M90! :-)
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