You obviously have some over-current situation going on. Might be intermittent but whatever, you need to research further. If have the schematic, you can research downstream components from Q502 if that's what's blowing. Either that or you are installing counterfeit substandard parts. If you got them off eBay, that is a very good possibility. You can connect a DMM in amp mode, and splice the meter between the emitter junction, monitor the current draw. That regulator has a rated collector current of 2.5 amps but it's collector power dissipation is only 3/4 of a watt. If you think that the quality of the transistor is an issue, and you are in the USA, I have some 2SD2023 in stock and TIP29C in stock. The C1162 has improved nominal collector current of 2.5 vs 1, but when installed on a heatsink, the 29C has the same 3A rating. More importantly, it can handle 2 watts without heatsink and 30w with a proper one. Or the D2023 which is probably a better choice at a 3A collector current but 40 watt collector dissipation vs 3/4 on the original. Both the TIP29c and D2023 have a reverse lead pattern though. 1162 is EBC whereas TIP29c and D2023 is CBE. That means that the transistor will be mounted backwards (reverse/flipped).