"............I briefly grounded the negative motor terminal and afterwards the tape started working properly - no motor turning in
stop mode. Now plays cassettes fine...BUT the radio is broken again. It's reverted to the briefly decaying sound......."
"...... when I touched the black motor wire to ground as I was looking for stray injections I heard a small pop and then the cassette side of things started working correctly. I was dismayed when I discovered the radio broken as a consequence.............."
And I'm very curious "exactly" how did you ground the motor terminal, and I mean "exactly." And why oh why would you do that? And are you sure that the "pop" wasn't the sound of a voltage regulator going up in smoke when you grounded something that maybe perhaps wasn't intended to be grounded? By the way, decaying sound and power is the classic symptom of poor connection somewhere, perhaps in the power switch. During low current demand with a poor connection, enough current might be passed for initial operation but the poor connection develops heat which has a cascading effect and cycle of increasing resistance in the connection, which results in more heat and a corresponding reduction in voltage, etc... until where power might even seem to disappear until the connection cools down. Failing caps might cause this too, as well as a failing/damaged regulator which might work initially but as it heats up, loses capacity. This failure can be confirmed by using freeze spray on the affected regulator. If power seems to be restored temporarily as the transistor or zener diode is cooled, that basically confirms that this regulator is suspect.
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