grown man crying .....briefly

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Member (SA)
Oh Ira!! I was about to start crying but then I saw the happy ending and the fact that you did get lucky! :-O :sad:

That Ramon is such a nice guy!! Ira-You truly have a friend in him!! :yes:
The boombox God (well there is only 1!) was by your side Ira! :angelic:

Just a trim ring-WOW!

Now it's fixed!

I like happy endings.
Have a great time a boomin with her Ira!!-Jeff. :-) :yes:


Member (SA)
good stuff.

big ups to ramon. he good people.

say a little prayer for my M90 that is currently being shipped, fellas!!!!!

i will lose my friggin mind if something happens to it.



I Am Legend
GZ --congratulations on buying a nice m90 --- :yes:

and please dont let this story worry you too much --
there is less than a 1% chance that some ahole will treat
a carton like that :-O

and good luck -- :angelic: :angelic:
let us know how much you like it :-D


Member (SA)
thanks rbj. i just gotta remember to breathe.

this will be the longest week of my life!!!!!!



I Am Legend
yes frank --thats the one that got fixed --
and while ramon had it apart --i sprayed the woofers with the
blue fabric paint that ford gave me --

the eminem logo is just a cloth sew-on patch -
wedged between the knobs :-)


Member (SA)
That is unusual for the shipping company to let you keep the damaged item plus get a full refund on the insured value. Usually they take the damaged goods before they will refund the money. The happy ending is great! Maybe since they delivered the package damaged without acknowledging that fact,could be the reason why they refunded without taking the merchandise. :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
we asked for and received much less than a full refund --
but - still - you are correct -
the shippers often want the items returned--

i hope everybody here makes sure to have full insurance -
and to take photos of the packing job -
BEFORE shipping
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