grown man crying .....briefly

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I Am Legend
well --i was not ever gonna post this story --
because it was part of a private deal with a truly great member here.. :smooch:
and because --its not my way-- to post a sympathy thread :'-( :nonono: :sadno: :cool: :-)

now i think its worthwhile --
as its important to remind ourselves of these 2 prevalent and recurring facts of life

1. shitte happens :thumbsdown:
2. its never over till............... :-)

ok --so after i sent the jamaican//taira m90 to gluecifer...........
i was feeling insecure with just ONE m90 left :-O

plus - i was USING that one --always -
and needed some other worthy ( yet, miles from mint ) grail to enjoy as the daily driver ;-)

so - a kind member comes thru --- :angelic: :angelic: :yes:

this guy is one of our PRIDES OF PACKING -- :-D :-D
who has sent me some extraordinary stuff before .....

BUT--no matter how much carboard and bubblewrap and styrofoam gets used-
we dont have anything that can ever stop a total moronic doooochbag from ramming a FORK LIFT
thru the carton !!!!!!!!!!!!
:dunce: :annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed: :dunce: :annoyed:

now keep in mind --that we always have the option to refuse delivery-
when we see a case come in like this --and let the seller/shipper go deal with the busted POS.

but from a member ? and a friend ? and a grail ? that we WANT ?
------------ NFW

so --here it is/was --just the way i first saw it :'-( :'-( :'-( :sad: :no: :sad:

friggen nightmare was the understatement :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:








Member (SA)
:sad: WOW Ira my friend I feel for you it even hurts me reading this thread and at the same time pisses me off :nonono: :annoyed:
Man that really sux Dammit. :nonono:


Staff member
Oh Noes. Don't know what to say, except I feel for ya...... Looks like an international shipment?


Member (SA)
If that happened to me the delivery driver would be crying...cause I would choke the shiat out of him for leaving a box in that condition on my doorstep. You think maybe they could have let you know BEFORE delivery that it was damaged??


Well-Known Member
Staff member
NFW would I have accepted that. :nonono: :thumbsdown: Why are we left with basically no recourse when @$$holes do this crap?

shane higgins

Member (SA)
kill the f..ker
pm i will do it for you
in turkey you would go to jail for damaging vintage stuff
send him her there
this is why you fly from australia to the states to pick up your m90

hey a...n
we will all pray for you my friend

p.s. still kill the f..ker


Member (SA)
OK Ira you got everyones attention lets see a full blown pic. of that poor M-90.

:agree: with all members that is messed up :nonono: I hope someone here has an extra woofer trim laying around.


Member (SA)
That really sux.

Nothing else to say...

So, was it insured? Are you getting some compensation from the shipping company???? What's the resolution???


Member (SA)
It's been years since I've received a boomer damaged like that. But I still vividly remember the sinking feeling upon seeing the condition of the packing box, the dread while unpacking, and yes...choking back the tears after seeing the actual boombox damage. :'-( :sadno: :no: :sad:


I Am Legend
fins5 said:
the sinking feeling upon seeing the condition of the packing box, the dread while unpacking, and yes...choking back the tears ---

up to that point --fins is exactly spot on --the sinking feeling was horrible - :sadno:

ok - sorry to leave you guys hanging so long before replying -
it was 3 AM EST last night when i faded away |-) |-)

but - was hoping that the "briefly" part of the thread tittle-
and the " its never over......"
would ease the tension :-) ;-) :-D

so --from here on in - the story goes dramatically uphill--
by the numbers::

1. the outer carton was so thick---and there was so much packing - :yes: :angelic:
that was was plenty of room in there --for an entire steel fork to pierce the
box - and still MISS the m90 :thumbsup:

2. the fork hit and destroyed the trim ring ONLY !!!!
after that very first view --when i started to open the carton -and saw that nasty
trim crushed -- i had every reason to assume the entire grail was smashed = FUBAR

3. our member/seller worked relentlessly --for these past several weeks - to fight the
P.O for a refund --and finally --yesterday --WE GOT IT $$ :yes: :yes:

4, what were the chances of EVER getting a perfect m90 trim ring for sale ??
in the USA or the planet or even from VIENNA ??? :-D :-D
well well --how about 5 miles away :-O :angelic: :angelic: :angelic: :angelic:

mind you --it was no easy/wimpy 5 miles --- :-)
had to cross one draw bridge . 2 sets of RR tracks .
and drive thru 6 progressively WORSE neighborhoods -
to safely arrive at the home of RAMON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not only did he have the trim ring -
but for the most nominal of all $$ fees -
he included INSTALLATION :yes: :angelic: :yes:
and waved his usual taxes and handling charges :lol: :yes:

like i said TWICE here -!!!
its never over till its over -
and with the help of good friends and some incredible luck --
a real nice m90 was saved from the cave man shippers -
and its playing right NOW :surf:

as far as the "shitte happens "
lets just be glad that good things happen more often
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