he fatdog --did you get the one with the ed spread ?
I must have gotten one of the rare "working" prints because my Ed Spread came with 3D glasses.

My only beef with the book is that Spike Lee write the forward. He obviously doesn't love boomboxes. He admits he never even owned a boombox, doesn't miss them at all ("Hell no!" was what he wrote), and he thanks God for the Sony Walkman and iPod.
Other than that, it is a fantastic read and the pictures are nostalgic and wonderful. Even the wife was looking through it picking out all the boomboxes she has seen come in and out of the house.

And two Boomboxery members have write-ups in the book too! Congratulations to Rick and JamesWP.

How could Spike begin to understand the love we have for boomboxes if he never owned one?!...mine will be here tomorrow and I can't wait to get it.