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Photos coming later on, for now I want to say that it was awesome!
Bobby, how did you know I fell asleep early?
I actually went to bed (back bench of the car
) at 1:00 a.m. And due to Mountain Dew (American people know that stuff) I was awake at 4:30 a.m. and left around 5:30 a.m. after talking to Peter a little.
It was awesome to see those super rare and super awesome boomboxes there.
André (AK74) brought the GF-1000, Victor M90, M70 and among others my absolute favorite: The dynasty discolite
(Ira, I am definitely taking it! It sounds quite okay, not as bad as I expected after so many people saying how bad it is. You cannot crank it up that loud but who cares?
It looked amazing at night and stole the show for the other ghettoblasters
Then Peter had an Elta Masterblaster standing there and it was very impressive.
Ralf brought his Aiwa with the extra LEDs and it sounded amazing!
Ralf also brought some other very cool boxes, I especially remember the Japanese GF-9696 (dunno the real Japanese number
I felt a little ashamed with my flea finds I also brought but my VZ 2500 and the Crown 850 fit in the row quite well
The GF 9696 was also not bad but it sadly has no radio function anymore...
But what surprised me most of all, many people really liked my Sony CFM-15, by far the smallest "boombox" at the meeting.
Anyway, it has to happen again! It was awesome!
And I just got to know the Germany really won the Eurovision Song Contest! Woohoo!