Burned by a local member?

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Member (SA)
I dont care if you post the conversation. I was thinking of the same.

It's clear from the messages I was interested in buying it and in contact with the seller and you did not hesitate to contact her and offer more since I told you my offer. You obviously did not consider me a `brother`. You just wanted it even if you had to step on someone.

I didn't say anything at the time because I was shocked and tend to not speak up for myself.

I should have immediately ran here and told everyone how I was ****ed over I guess.

Vintage Man

Member (SA)
Okay boys. Here we go.

October 11
Another decent box popped up in Kijiji near me.

Name bro. Name.

Clairtone 7979

I don't see it

Only says Clairtone ghettoblaster.

I looked in Ontario and Quebec. Kijji?


You wouldn't want too grab that for me would ya?

Might miss out in it. Got a reply says 2 others interested. I offered 100. And I can pick up. Waiting too hear back. But feels like someone else might snag it

Probably gsbadmr. He only has like 3!

Will see if they get back too me. Tough to get them when someone else beats it too you. Only chance is too offer more and hope they don't do more research. Its like reeling in a fish that's almost off your line.

Is that the guy from Montreal? There is a guy that snagged a M90 out from under me. Drove from Montreal to Ottawa.

He is in that area I believe. Or that clown mike garret.

I just looked. That's the same guy.I have talked too him before. Said he has many 7980's the 7979 is in St isdore which is 45 minute from Ottawa. About 90 minutes from Montreal.

Same guy? Who's selling it? Garret?

No I mean gsbadmr guy is the one that got the M90. He is from Montreal. Still no response to my 100 offer. Not a good sign. They responded pretty quick too my original message.

Dam. I offered 200 plus shipping

Well that sucks. At least I have found a new way too search Kijiji.

I have a bunch of different searches set up.
Get emailed every morning. Dam.. Giving up my secrets.
What is your highest offer for it? If they don't want too ship they can meet me in Ottawa. I will be down next weekend too Oshawa. Can drop it off too you.........,

I see no point too post further. Once he mention they were not returning any messages too him. I then put a offer in for the 200. Which we were both suprised at she did. This whole I would step on a brother is crap just too get a box. You all can clearly see now once he was done with this attempt he offered too help me out... This is why this thread was started. I did see he was waiting too hear back. But only after he showed the its gone feeling. Then I tried. Now please ...... Somebody tell me......


Boomus Fidelis
How many duplicates of each model do you Canadians really need? :lol: Save some for us Americans too :lol:


Member (SA)
Lol. She stopped relying to be because you offered more. It was you and me bidding on it . We had a few messages back and forth. As Soon as I showed you she stopped. You are trying to be shady about this. You know as soon as you saw it you jumped to beat my offer.

So I had a few days to think it over before actually picking up the box. Why was I doing you a huge favour like that and driving it 300 miles to your door when you burned me first.


Staff member
At message #8, looks like TML clearly mentions that he already put in a $100 offer, this in response to VM's question whether TML could pick up for VM. That comment suggests to me that TML had a personal interest in this box before VM asks to get the radio picked up. Whether the seller responded to his offer or not is irrelevant. With this knowledge, placing a competing/higher offer against a "friend" who is trying to buy a box is unethical and turns that relationship into an adversarial one. But it happens all the time. On the other hand, when it does, it would be comical in my world to then expect the losing bidder who found/wanted it in the first place to pick up, prepay, and deliver that item to the adversarial winner. Unfortunately, the nature of collecting is adversarial (what do you think happens when members bid on the same item on eBay or when a boomboxery seller says selling to best offer?). Some people naturally lack self assertiveness and easily gets intimidated by individuals possessing a more assertive nature. Each can lead to problems.

I've personally asked folks to buy/pick-up stuff for me. But generally, I always:
1: Inform the friend I was interested in a boombox, and asked if he also was interested because I would back-off if the other party was interested.
2: if the other person indicated he was not interested, I would ask if they could be the middleman but not before....
3. I prepay for the purchase by sending the money to the other person. I wouldn't dream of asking the other person to pull money out of their own pocket to buy something for me.

This has generally worked well for me. That message record is fine but doesn't begin to show what the mindset of each person was at the time they made the comment. This could only add to the confusion of intent between the parties. For example, TML says he couldn't understand why VM would offer $200 and mess up his $100 offer. Though it wasn't spoken, could this have been going on in his head? Absolutely. Again, lack of candid communications.... Anyhow, I think it's clear that each party was thinking different things, and this thread really has no further purpose since the only thing that is clear is lack of clear communication and meeting of the minds. In the publics eye, you will definitely NOT find consensus on who was right or wrong.

My suggestion is that if you guys who are close to each other are at all interested in repairing this relationship, should just chock this up to misunderstanding and get on with your lives. Fighting over boomboxes is so common it's almost laughable. Happens almost all the time on boomboxes that are rare and desirable such as the M90. And truth be told, if the sale resulted in $600 (or close to actual market value) traded hands, we wouldn't even be here discussing it. It's only because it sold for what is perceived to be BELOW market value that it's an issue. (It's all about money). There was another example offered just here, not 1 week ago. At market value, nobody jumps but at a deal price, fight like hungry dogs over a bone

Vintage Man

Member (SA)
I think I need too put more too clarify this whole help me out offer. Part 2 here we go......

I just got a good deal so not too worried about losing out on that 1 My budget for my toys is low. LOL. I collect too much stuff.

I offered 200 pick up today. If you can do that I would throw you 50 bucks for your efforts.

Oh. Wait. 45 minutes drive. 100 bucks.

OK well let me know they get back too you. I have too go over too the in-laws for thanksgiving stuff. So will be tough too get away then.

They will accept 200. Said its mine. Can you do it?

They got back too you?

Can you get a phone number? A friend of mine I'd close by there. Will see if he can pick it up first.

Yes. She lives on the 417. Exit 51

Does your buddy know how too give it a go over. Tape is no big deal. But working tuner is a must. Waiting on contact number.


Okay still waiting too hear back from him. Gimme a sec.

Still waiting on my friend too get back too me. Its about a 2 hour round trip for me. I'm running out of time. Have too go out with the wife. Hopefully he gets back too me soon..

Aw hell. Hopefully it can be put off till tomorrow. Your good too go then? If you don't here back from him?

If she's holding it for sure. I will get it from her. No worries..

Should I tell her tomorrow? Say by noon?

Okay. We are in business. He has her number and can go pick it up . don't count the chickens till they hatch. But looks good.

That's great news. You have boomboxery too go on your mobile? LOL.

Yes. I do.

Okay bro let me know how it goes.....

Okay bro. He has it. Won't see it till Tuesday too check it out

Hey hey hey. Happy Holiday. Do you have too dribe far too get it?

Its about 30-40 min ya.

Oh. Okay bro. What day were you planning oncoming in?

Again. Someone please tell me where I have done wrong?


Staff member
In the beginning, TML wanted to buy it.
VM wanted it too and ignored that TML wanted it.
Conversation continued regarding picking this up for VM.
TML relented and agreed (should not have unless he fully intended). Maybe he did.
TML picked up and having seen one of these awesome boomboxes in person, changed his mind to follow through.
Then suddenly all the reasons why he should have been more assertive in the first place came to surface.
VM couldn't understand why TML wouldn't perform and TML couldn't understand why VM ruined his deal and the wisdom of then helping facilitate a deal he didn't have his heart in, in the first place.

Where did this go wrong? See lines 1 & 2.

Vintage Man

Member (SA)
tmlfan said:
Lol. She stopped relying to be because you offered more. It was you and me bidding on it . We had a few messages back and forth. As Soon as I showed you she stopped. You are trying to be shady about this. You know as soon as you saw it you jumped to beat my offer.

So I had a few days to think it over before actually picking up the box. Why was I doing you a huge favour like that and driving it 300 miles to your door when you burned me first.

Vintage Man

Member (SA)
Simple communication would have solved this. Again! You could have conveyed these thoughts too me. I am not an ass. I would have understood. And said. You know what bro. Take it. Its the whole undermining and playing me along is the issue here. That is not what a brother does. Slice it any way you want. That's what you have done. And it cant be changed. Who will you do this too next. Of you needed too pull a stunt me this too secure a box. Keep it. You will never keep your word too honor the deal we made if you have done wrong. Which you clearly have. I just got another 7980 for 320 bucks. So the sting has worn off. And as far as the M90 store. Sure its know. But I offered you too come down. And I would take us there. Too get too know us better. You were even working on a date too pull it off. And raise the funds. So you screwed over a member too get it. Hope your happy with it. And the rep you have built......


Member (SA)
One thing I forgot to address is why I sent the pics. Because at the time I wasn't sure what to do. And I wanted you to see the condition as it wasn't that great tbh. As I wasn't sure what I was going to ultimately do. I wanted to see what you had to say about why you jumped in and bid on it without telling me or asking me first. I admitted my part in it and from what I read you just keep trying to justify your actions instead of admitting some fault. We both screwed it up. I think anyways

Vintage Man

Member (SA)
If I saw fault I would be happy too.. I only went by your message. And giving up on it. I guess I could have asked do you mind if I try.


Member (SA)
The real crime here is vintage mans excessive misuse of the word too instead of to..
Sorry, it's all I can focus on..

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