Burned by a local member?

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Vintage Man

Member (SA)
That's right my brothers. A member here. I am used too getting friged by eBay sellers. We all have. But you would not expect too get not only set up by a member. Screwed out of a item by one of our own. I have talked outside of here with many great members. Met 2. Chatted with Bill. Joe Scott so on. So I started talking with another for over a month now. Seemed like a cool guy. Talk shop. Boxes. Recent purchases. Was trying too make arrangements too come too my home as he is somewhat local. But comes into my town often. Was going too do a meet and greet. Drive down too where 3 local M90's are. That at first I was reluctant too give the info on. But after while gave up the goods in trying too help him acquire his first M90. As he has never had 1. Was going too sell off 1 of his 7980's too get the funds. They were in the shop getting repaired. Asked what I thought about a price they could fetch. You get the picture. Recently meet with a guy and picked up his Vela disco for 500 and a lasonic 920. Not a bad trade and cash at all! He was too be coming this weekend into town. So I get a message saying someone is selling a Clairtone 7979. I could not find it at first. He sent me the link. Said he messaged the seller. Got a reply saying 2 others had already contacted her. And when that happens pretty hard too get it once that happens. Which is true. In my Kijiji I will take the first come. First serve route. I have lost some great deals that way. So I thought .. I'll give it a try. Messaged. Offered 200 plus shipping. Nothing at first. So he's tells me. If you can get it I'm coming in this weekend. I will grab it for you and bring it down! Great! So I message seller again and say hey! Forget the shipping .. Have a friend that will come by and pick it up forget the shipping. Little time passes. One of those feeling like yiu got the big fish and your losing it on your line he says. Ah. He says. I'm happy with my Vela. My funds are low for anymore toys right now. Well dammed if the woman says too me. Its yours! Well holy crap. I tell him she got back too me. And I would also be happy too trow him a 100 bucks for his time. As it is a holiday weekend for us. Thanksgiving. He says he has a buddy near there that will pick it up for him too get for him till he sees me. As he was heading too be with family that day and could not make it that afternoon. Will let you know when my buddy gets back too me. So I get the message .... Were good. He will grab it. But I won't be able too get it till Monday or Tuesday. So I give him the number if the girl for his friend too pick it up. No problem. He gets it. Great! I'm thrilled. Sent me some pics and looking forward too your evaluation. So tonight I get a message saying. He already has 250 invested. As he gave his friend 50 for his time. And says he knows a collector that will give him 350 as is. But I think I will just keep it and fix it later. Huh? Whoa? Did he just tell me I'm not getting my box? Ah. I say. Are you telling me your not bringing my box? I made a deal with her and you. I don't want too sell it. No reply. So I say. Lol. That was a good one. You had me there! That was funny. What time are you coming this weekend? Im not trying too be funny. I could have got that for a 100 bucks. That's not cool what you did. Did? What did I do? You offered too help out a brother. She had 8 offers and picked me. I must have had 20 some messages with her just talking about her 7979. She got on her 14 th birthday. And love for music. So what did I do wrong. I sit here tonight bent over. Get the butter boys. Vintage man got reamed good. And by one of our family here. The prick even sent me 7 pics if my own score with the intention of never bringing it. So you reading this TMLFAN? I have all the messages too back this up. And if you think your out of my reach. Think again. You will be in Oshawa 1 day. And i will be there. In the words of the epic Pink Floyd album. Just 5 minutes worm your honor. Him and me alone!!!!
Yes, you've been screwed. He's picked it up and realised it's a good one so he's kept it for himself!

I can't understand how one box can be worth trashing your rep here plus any help you could have provided him in chasing other boxes down in the future?!

I predict that after the novelty has worn off, he'll regret causing this whole sorry saga...... or maybe not :-(

James..... :-)


Member (SA)
Well, of course I only know your side of the story now but if that went down like you said, it was a damn low move...I would be just as upset as you are.I hope this is all going to resolve somehow...
After all it is just an old cassette player that should not destroy a friendship or cause any hard feelings.
I value my boomboxes a lot but would put them second place for any of my true friends anytime.


Member (SA)
of course there are 2 sides to every story.
The part that is important is that i saw the listing..it was for $50. i sent a message to the seller asking if they could meet me in Ottawa to buy it. she replied not right away she is 45 min out of ottawa. So I said i will offer $100 to come pick it up now.. right after that i sent vintageman a message saying another good box popped up on kijiji ..told him I offered $100 ..which is above the asking price to hopefully secure it.. this was all before 7AM

he told me he didnt see it..I sent him the link...
of course at this time i am interested in the box..having offered twice the asking price offering to pick it up right away
He asked me if I would grab it for him... which I said I am waiting for the seller to get back to me on the offer and pick up.

Next he went ahead and offered $200 ..without telling he was going to or asking if it was cool with me.. since he doesnt know about it without my help anyways. at the time I didnt say anything..but the more I thought about it..why would he do that? if he thought we were cool?

what are my options at this point? to start a bidding war with him? I was willing to go higher for it of course
the rest is accurate.. i did say I would then pick it up and deliver it to him

If i am way off base in thinking its not cool for him to jump in and take if out from under me.. then i will honor the deal and give it to him

My last message I asked t his question to vintageman
The part that bothers me is why would you offer more when I told you I contacted her and was waiting for a response?

i was hoping for an answer to that question


Member (SA)
oh 1 other thing that irked me was I read later on that he was posting in another members thread who was selling a 7979 also..bragging about the score for $50 Before it was even bought.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
This is why I have my car enthusiast buddies pick up any scores that I can't.

We are all trying to catch the same fish, but there are only 1,2,3, maybe 4 boombox people I would ask to help me get a boombox score. It's like telling all your fishing friends where the hot spot is and they clean it out when you are gone then invite you over to try a bite or tell you to f'off because they are his fish now.

Sorry to hear a boombox is coming between both of you. Good luck.


Member (SA)
When it comes to scoring good boxes, your fellow collectors are your biggest enemies. And even non-collectors can fall in love with a box. Boomboxes are just too awesome :) Totally agree with Fuz. And Don't spend to much time feeling sad guys, there are many more scores out there :)


Member (SA)
I do hope this gets resolved quick and clean it is hard to imagine a boombox coming between friends.

This is why I choose to do things on my own to avoid this type of situation.


Member (SA)
The 7979's seem to be more trouble than they're worth lately. :hmmm:

Like others have said, I hope this gets straightened out.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It seems like both guys kind of screwed with karma on this one.

1) Vintage Man ruins a deal that tmlfan already had going with the seller.

2) tmlfan, for whatever reason, offered to go ahead and pick up the boombox for Vintage Man, but then reneged on final delivery.



Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
It seems like both guys kind of screwed with karma on this one.

1) Vintage Man ruins a deal that tmlfan already had going with the seller.

2) tmlfan, for whatever reason, offered to go ahead and pick up the boombox for Vintage Man, but then reneged on final delivery.

thats fair
its really not in my character to do something like that..and yes its bothering me

when i sent him the link..i did not think he would try to grab it out from me since I was local...or I wouldn't have sent it
once he told me he sent the offer (and I realized why she stopped replying to me) I asked what his highest offer was because I wanted to tell her I would pick it up for 200 .. but just dropped it at that point and said I would get it for him


Member (SA)
Ouch... :bang: This was a train wreck waiting to happen. This could have been a promising relationship if everybody had dialed it back a notch. I know I've f'ed up and payed too much, but I've never pulled one right out from under someone's nose (or tried to) just to save a buck.

Never a member. That's cold. Not worth the bad blaster karma.


Member (SA)
This is a shame, guys get together and flesh it out to a satisfactory conclusion. I guarantee if you both do the right thing the boombox gods will reward you....


Member (SA)
I've been fortunate, every time I do good, good always comes back to me. We all know what good is, do the right thing.


Member (SA)
If theres one lesson to learn from this I think it's that if you have collector friends who you're working with to secure items or help deliver them or whatever, CALL them. Texting/email's not the ideal medium for this. Having a proper conversation over phone/skype whatever is the only way to really do things properly. If it's important to you you need to make sure everything about the deal is transparent and on the table and a good conversation about this is what needs to happen.

Not very helpful to you two rockers now, but I hope you both get things cleared up.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
I guess the lesson to the story is: until it's in your hands it's not yours! I don't tell people about my scores until about 6 months after they've been sitting on my shelf! :lol: Work it out boys it's not worth the drama!


Boomus Fidelis
i will never understand those who basically count their chickens before they hatch and assume the outcome will be perfect . why the hell not at least wait till the damned thing is in your hands before you say anything. i seen people brag about what box their getting before the goddamn bidding is over now that's crazy like you can't ****ing go 5 minutes without some boombox related glory?.
i think bragging rights lead people to do stupid **** myself included.
when you get into ruckuses over a moth eaten radio that nobody owns yet ,you gotta wonder wtf .

the whole scenario of the deal almost guarantees disappointment for at least 1 person even if mother teresa was selling the box. its similar to the titanic , i'm sure she didn't want to sink but the fuking iceberg could not care either way. it wins.
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