WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
proof of my earlier post -
-is at the end of the luck ....... is the WORK and the TIME and the CARING and the TALENT --
and to admit a guilty streak.......during the last 3 hours --while part of this incredible effort was
happening --i was on the BEACH !!!! --tossing a football --rapping to hotties--
improving my tan ..
and jamming to my little AIKO box -
ie --accomplishing NOTHING !!!!
as for the "shipwreck" condition --
:'-( yes - it was a shameful looking POS -
since it came from another local florida dude -
he must have dragged it thru the sand and salt water as his everyday beach beater--
in fact --it was so nasty --
that i had figured it would , at most, become a 'donor' parts box --
in case a nice one came along --
but now --its like the absolute GEM of GEMS !!!!
not sure how i can ever make this one up to frank -
this is MEGA-HUGE and even much bigger than that !!!!
but --bet i can find a way
as for the sound performance --(vs an m90)
i do have a viable theory
will post that ,,, separate
i now want too officially delete all thousand
of my prior posts --where i called something or someone "the bomb".........
because this deed IS ... the absolute BOMB --
and no other bombs --before THIS bomb-
is this much of a bomb