Beat Swap like a Rock Star

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Member (SA)
SLO said:
Nice pictures Peter! The Bboy doin the handstand came out DOPE! :thumbsup:

Man my wife was so busy with my son (he can be quite a handful) and in between that she was takin pictures.

Im actually looking at her in the background of this picture Peter took. She lets me enjoy my hobby so Im a lucky man :smooch:
I know exactly what you mean about little boys being a hand full. When I go to an event and I take my son, my wife needs to go with me. If she can't go then I'll either take my Rising or take my son. I can't handle them both by myself. Since they don't make a strap for my Rising, maybe I should look for a strap to carry my son! ☺️


Member (SA)
howie1976 said:
I know exactly what you mean about little boys being a hand full. When I go to an event and I take my son, my wife needs to go with me. If she can't go then I'll either take my Rising or take my son. I can't handle them both by myself. Since they don't make a strap for my Rising, maybe I should look for a strap to carry my son! ☺️
Man you said it. But have no fear, that shouldnt be a problem for blu fuz, he can make a custom strap for your Rising AND for your son! :lol: :lol: :lol: Hes one BAD MOFO when it comes to ANY custom strap :yes:


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Sweet mother of god this is candy to my eyes! I totally would have been there!
Joe, once again your straps worked FLAWLESSLY :bow: You woulda had a blast out here bro :-D

Lasonic TRC-920

SLO said:
Man you said it. But have no fear, that shouldnt be a problem for blu fuz, he can make a custom strap for your Rising AND for your son! :lol: :lol: :lol: Hes one BAD MOFO when it comes to ANY custom strap :yes:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah lil SLO was lil FAST at the end of the day!

SLO said:
Joe, once again your straps worked FLAWLESSLY :bow: You woulda had a blast out here bro :-D

This morning, I got out of bed and my back was really sore and thought about not going, was a little worried all day, but carried my radio all day with the strap, no issues at all. :thumbsup:


Lasonic TRC-920

These things are such a trip...

At every event I have been to, people have come up with big round glazed over eyes and without missing a beat, they go straight into their "I used to have one just like it" story as if we have known each other for 20 years and in just a few seconds, it's like we have. I never tire of that.

I haven't shaken that many hands in years. People smiling, asking questions, how to get one?, where to find them?, what do they cost?, envious and grateful to see it with a flood of memories all pouring back into their minds right before my eyes.

It's a real humbling thing to know, that some of those people may have just thought about "The Good Old Days" for the first time in a really long time!

That's what these things do to people....It's completely involuntary.


Member (SA)
Wow guys that looks like an awesome time. Great pics. SLO that boy of yours looks Bad-a** in a couple of those pics. And yea those pics with the baby on the table are priceless, put an instant smile on my face.

Stories like this are great. Wish I lived close I'd have loved to been there.


Member (SA)
Yay! Lovin' the rock dog:


Looks like you guys had an amazing time. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
awesome , damn what a day !

that's it , next year i'm taking a trip to cali . chris just build me a dog house in your yard so i have a place to stay lol.

Lasonic TRC-920

trippy1313 said:
Wow guys that looks like an awesome time. Great pics. SLO that boy of yours looks Bad-a** in a couple of those pics. And yea those pics with the baby on the table are priceless, put an instant smile on my face.

Stories like this are great. Wish I lived close I'd have loved to been there.
SLO's little man was so chill. What can not be shown in the pictures is, there were live DJ's all around us.

Little SLO looked like he was in his environment. It was really cool to see so many kids at this event.

Terry said:
Venice Beach eh?


Top pics and it looks like a great day guys.
Come on Terry, you know it's time! It's been a while! You need to revisit So Cal

Beosystem10 said:
Yay! Lovin' the rock dog:

Looks like you guys had an amazing time. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
We did and we do. For all the searching, collecting, repairing, polishing and talking about radios...getting out using them is still the very best of this hobby!

JVC Floyd said:
that dog does remind me of courtney love .
HA HA HA, I see it now....that's funny!

JVC Floyd said:
awesome , damn what a day !

that's it , next year i'm taking a trip to cali . chris just build me a dog house in your yard so i have a place to stay lol.
Floyd, we have lots of space in our little house! AND I got a camper out front if you prefer to live in the yard! It would be awesome to have you out here, just make sure you bring one of your mega creations like the 935/JVC :yes:

Another thing that was great about this day was seeing Adrian with the Helix in action, see it all working as it should, made me feel really good.

On Saturday before this get together. Peter came over and we swapped in some i931 speakers into his CSF-99. Tell me those don't look sweet! Something about fresh new white speakers :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
trippy1313 said:
Wow guys that looks like an awesome time. Great pics. SLO that boy of yours looks Bad-a** in a couple of those pics. And yea those pics with the baby on the table are priceless, put an instant smile on my face.

Stories like this are great. Wish I lived close I'd have loved to been there.

:lol: Thanks trippy, my son just LOVES pushing buttons and turning tuning dials, and he just stares at the boomboxes led's as they blast the tunes. Its funny because these will be a normal part of life for him while most other kids in school are gonna be like "Whats a Boombox??" :dunce: Hes a ladies man for sure, I told the female photographer that took his picture for Beatswapmeet on Instagram that he was single, I think she slipped her digits in his pocket!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920 said:
We did and we do. For all the searching, collecting, repairing, polishing and talking about radios...getting out using them is still the very best of this hobby!

Another thing that was great about this day was seeing Adrian with the Helix in action, see it all working as it should, made me feel really good.

On Saturday before this get together. Peter came over and we swapped in some i931 speakers into his CSF-99. Tell me those don't look sweet! Something about fresh new white speakers :thumbsup:
:agree: The best part of owning these things is takin em to the streets, Its always a good time and the smiles it brings to peoples faces is priceless. I get such a kick out of it :thumbsup:

Adrians Helix was BADASS, I really loved the cassette holder in the back of that radio, that was so dam cool. I never knew that was back there until yesterday, cool feature.

Peters fresh i931 speakers looked cleeeeean in his CSF-99! Its looked cool with the VU meters dancing to his mixed tape he had playing in the cassette deck, fresh produce actually "produces" fresh beats!! Made me want to swap out my 931's woofers with a new pair. I think Im gonna go for it.

Lasonic TRC-920

SLO said:
:lol: Thanks trippy, my son just LOVES pushing buttons and turning tuning dials, and he just stares at the boomboxes led's as they blast the tunes. Its funny because these will be a normal part of life for him while most other kids in school are gonna be like "Whats a Boombox??" :dunce: Hes a ladies man for sure, I told the female photographer that took his picture for Beatswapmeet on Instagram that he was single, I think she slipped her digits in his pocket!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

:agree: The best part of owning these things is takin em to the streets, Its always a good time and the smiles it brings to peoples faces is priceless. I get such a kick out of it :thumbsup:

Adrians Helix was BADASS, I really loved the cassette holder in the back of that radio, that was so dam cool. I never knew that was back there until yesterday, cool feature.

Peters fresh i931 speakers looked cleeeeean in his CSF-99! Its looked cool with the VU meters dancing to his mixed tape he had playing in the cassette deck, fresh produce actually "produces" fresh beats!! Made me want to swap out my 931's woofers with a new pair. I think Im gonna go for it.
If you contact Lasonic, they will sell you speakers directly, just tell them you are from Boomboxery


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
If you contact Lasonic, they will sell you speakers directly, just tell them you are from Boomboxery
Thanks Chris :yes: Im gonna do just that.

It was great finally getting to meet Chris-Lasonic TRC-920, him and his beard is the epitome of cool! :chris920: I had the pleasure of meeting Adrian and Peter last time in Chinatown but I had missed Chris, he had just left when I got there last time. I think people are drawn to the beard, everyone would come up to him and start asking questions or just start shootin the breeze, Chris is one cool dude indeed. In fact ALL the guys are stand up dudes, its so cool to meet good people that enjoy all this madness! Thanks for the great memories fellas :thumbsup:

I look forward to meeting more of the Boomboxery family down the road even though the distance is pretty far for some. You guys all have a warm sunny So Cal welcome from SLO thats for sure! Party on! :beer2:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
We pulled it off Boomboxery Style :cool:

Members Fresh Produce, Mac Daddy Freshness, SLO and his wife and son as well as myself ROCKED the LA Beat Swap, this time located in the Art's district at The Container Yard in downtown Los Angeles.

I had never been this this venue before, it was almost like a catacomb of graffiti and vendors selling the "Real" Hip-Hop culture and beyond. I found vintage Rock and Metal there too.

This is not the first time we have done this, but for sure, this was the biggest response.

LITERALLY...All we had to do, was either

A) Set the radio's in a group on a picnic table and camera's came out of nowhere! People with high end camera's, GOPRO film work, there was even a Drone filming from above. People posed their baby's, their dogs, themselves all followed with "I used to have one of those".


B) Stand in the walk way, blaring our radio's, some on the ground, some by strap, sun glasses on tight and the cameras came out like we just stepped out of a limo onto the red carpet.


There were a TON of pictures taken, here are some of mine...

I decided to take out the 975. When I got there, set it down on the table and took a step back, I realized, I HAVE NEVER TAKEN THIS RADIO OUT ON THE STREET! :jawdrop:
I a so glad I did :yes:



I did find an another copy of RADIO discounted from $5 TO $3 :clap:

1. I'm super jelly because it looks warm there!!! lol
2. Just looks like a lot of positive energy there, I would have loved to be there. Would have brought my kids as well. Thanks for sharing the pics!!!!!

Lasonic TRC-920

SLO said:
Thanks Chris :yes: Im gonna do just that.

It was great finally getting to meet Chris-Lasonic TRC-920, him and his beard is the epitome of cool! :chris920: I had the pleasure of meeting Adrian and Peter last time in Chinatown but I had missed Chris, he had just left when I got there last time. I think people are drawn to the beard, everyone would come up to him and start asking questions or just start shootin the breeze, Chris is one cool dude indeed. In fact ALL the guys are stand up dudes, its so cool to meet good people that enjoy all this madness! Thanks for the great memories fellas :thumbsup:

I look forward to meeting more of the Boomboxery family down the road even though the distance is pretty far for some. You guys all have a warm sunny So Cal welcome from SLO thats for sure! Party on! :beer2:
Thanks man. I was bummed I missed you last time in Chinatown, but it was just too damn hot :blink:

When we figure out a good time to go to Venice, I will get my wife to go. She will love seeing the little man!

Our West Coast Crew is growing. All good guys. :thumbsup:

static2000g said:
1. I'm super jelly because it looks warm there!!! lol
2. Just looks like a lot of positive energy there, I would have loved to be there. Would have brought my kids as well. Thanks for sharing the pics!!!!!
Where are you located?

I'll tell ya man, I had a really odd moment standing there towards the end. All 4 of us lined up, people taking pictures, asking to pose with us, a real serious "Red Carpet" moment. A guy came up to me, went right into his "I used to have one" story and he talked about how when he was a kid (he was 45 years old btw) how people used to dog him in the early 80's for being white, but listening to Hip Hop and break dancing and having a radio with him everywhere he went and how proud he was to see the culture right before his eyes and how far it has come.

Right then and there I looked out at the crowd, all mixed, people from all walks of life, backgrounds, race, whatever...just a mix. With all the things happening in the US and around the world, all the fighting about race, religion, politics and money, I just stood there for a second and took it all in. RIGHT THERE...No one caring about those things. Everyone together for the love of the scene, the love of music, the love of personal style, the love of radio's.

For a few seconds I really zoned out, like standing in silence among all the noise.

It just made me realize, we don't need politicians to tell us, or racial leaders to tell us, or celebrities to tell us, or the news outlets to tell us. WE DECIDE! We treat ourselves with respect. We are good when the world is bad.


systemaddict said:
Absolute awesome pics Chris, you guys sure know how to rock it :rock: that CFS 99 is an absolute stunner :drool:
These pictures don't even do that 99 justice. It looks so fresh with those i931 speakers and sounds fantastic


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Thanks man. I was bummed I missed you last time in Chinatown, but it was just too damn hot :blink:

When we figure out a good time to go to Venice, I will get my wife to go. She will love seeing the little man!

Our West Coast Crew is growing. All good guys. :thumbsup:

Where are you located?

I'll tell ya man, I had a really odd moment standing there towards the end. All 4 of us lined up, people taking pictures, asking to pose with us, a real serious "Red Carpet" moment. A guy came up to me, went right into his "I used to have one" story and he talked about how when he was a kid (he was 45 years old btw) how people used to dog him in the early 80's for being white, but listening to Hip Hop and break dancing and having a radio with him everywhere he went and how proud he was to see the culture right before his eyes and how far it has come.

Right then and there I looked out at the crowd, all mixed, people from all walks of life, backgrounds, race, whatever...just a mix. With all the things happening in the US and around the world, all the fighting about race, religion, politics and money, I just stood there for a second and took it all in. RIGHT THERE...No one caring about those things. Everyone together for the love of the scene, the love of music, the love of personal style, the love of radio's.

For a few seconds I really zoned out, like standing in silence among all the noise.

It just made me realize, we don't need politicians to tell us, or racial leaders to tell us, or celebrities to tell us, or the news outlets to tell us. WE DECIDE! We treat ourselves with respect. We are good when the world is bad.


These pictures don't even do that 99 justice. It looks so fresh with those i931 speakers and sounds fantastic
Wow, Epic statement there .....just epic. I 100 percent agree. I'm in Michigan, about 15 miles outside Detroit. Cold!!! lol (though this weekend wasn't that bad)


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Right then and there I looked out at the crowd, all mixed, people from all walks of life, backgrounds, race, whatever...just a mix. With all the things happening in the US and around the world, all the fighting about race, religion, politics and money, I just stood there for a second and took it all in. RIGHT THERE...No one caring about those things. Everyone together for the love of the scene, the love of music, the love of personal style, the love of radio's.

For a few seconds I really zoned out, like standing in silence among all the noise.

It just made me realize, we don't need politicians to tell us, or racial leaders to tell us, or celebrities to tell us, or the news outlets to tell us. WE DECIDE! We treat ourselves with respect. We are good when the world is bad.

Preach brotha, preach!!! Truer words have never been spoken on this site. Years from now when the Bible of Boomboxes is written, this will be a passage that will be quoted. In referring to it people will just say "Lasonic TRC-920"

We've tried every bomb know to man to defeat our enemies over seas. I think we should try a different kinda boom: a BOOMBOX!!!
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