Are these models ' portable ' ?

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I Am Legend
eldorado said:
redbenjoe said:
aiwa 950 is an ideal carry box --

as for most any 3 piece box --
i use the 1 inch clear strapping tape on the back and bottom :-)

why do say that?

to protect it from scratches???

no --the strapping tape is extremely strong -
and most of the 3 piece box latches do not give me much
confidence in their safety --
so the tape is the sure security to hold the speakers in place


Member (SA)
jaetee said:
Best walkaround boxes are, IMHO:

Sanyo M9990
Sharp GF-9191 or GF-9292

Of these, the M70 is the heaviest and loudest. The Sanyo has the best overall sound quality, and the Sharp looks the best, sounds good and goes plenty loud. I think it's the lightest of that bunch too... When I was 14, I would carry my 9292 loaded up with D-cells all day.

...I would add the M9994 to that list. It only take 8 batteries and its louder and sounds better than the M9990...and the batteries last forever!!


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
eldorado said:
redbenjoe said:
aiwa 950 is an ideal carry box --

as for most any 3 piece box --
i use the 1 inch clear strapping tape on the back and bottom :-)

why do say that?

to protect it from scratches???

no --the strapping tape is extremely strong -
and most of the 3 piece box latches do not give me much
confidence in their safety --
so the tape is the sure security to hold the speakers in place




Well-Known Member
Staff member
Glad I found this thread because I wanted to comment on the portability of the 3 big common boxes; M90, 777, and C100......


I'm not kidding, I gave each one a shot and took them out on the streets for a walk to our wednesday night pool gathering. By the end of the 1st block I am already switching hands to relieve the one that I was just carrying from. Another thing that makes these no good for carry boxes besides the WEIGHT and SIZE is the fact that the AUX/LINE in jacks are directly where you leg is. You have to hold the boombox out away from your side a little so the cables don't take any abuse and possibly damaging the actual jacks or board in the boombox.

Portable, yeah. Carry-able, hell no :nonono: !

If you can get a boomer with front or side aux jacks, that would be even better if you have the MP3 player hooked up.


Boomus Fidelis
I would recommend the Crown CSC-850L. It is bigger than a traditional midsize, because of its 8-inch woofers, but it only weighs 14.4 lbs (6.5 kg) without batteries. That's the same as an Aiwa TPR-950, but the Crown is a bit louder and looks better. Plus it has those cool shoulder strap loops for easy carrying.

Or if you want something even lighter, you could go for a GE 3-6035A which is only 12 lbs (5.4 kg), but plenty loud.


Member (SA)
Haha! Nice work Joe!

I just read my post earlier on in this thread and these days I DO carry my C100, 777, etc to work regularly.
But you found the way to do it Joe, you MUST swap hands every block.

A better option for when you're carrying and want to use an external source is to use n FM transmittter.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
My daughter Alyssa says the radio's you asked about are ok to chill with. "Not too heavy" she says about your choices. :hmmm:

Aly and the CONION C-1OOF

Aly and the SHARP GF-777z

But she says the CONION C-126F is a better choice because it's a lot lighter to deal with.

But she liked the GE 3-5259A for it's portability and sound.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nice GE boogie :cool:

BUT, I am pretty sure she is cheating puting the box on the floor or on her foot :lol: . BUSTED!

shane higgins

Member (SA)
just get the gf 9191 thats what i walk around with it looks the ducks nuts and gets more of a look than any anther i dare leave home with
or even a 70m if you dare
or a jc 2000 there big and light
or get a new lasonic 931i that way if your f..k it you can ezyly replace it


Member (SA)
well first i wanted to conion c100 to walk around and rock the streets......but no way man...that thing is tooo heavy..

nice for walking is the aiwa cs 600 classy look good sound and bass and not to heavy with battieries around 6-7 kilos :breakdance:
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