This is a great topic i follow since it was first written , so many precious infos here .
My thoughts are when this documentary of Miles (Boombox Creators) is going to be released?
and been meaning to share some info i gathered through the years that i have been
collecting and cleaning these truly amazing Lasonic units .
Most of my understanding about this brand came from personal
experience and units i have collected.
Here is a topic from S2GO i started some years ago for further reading :
What i am saying there is basically this :
In 1995, to compete better in the Western market, the Lucky-Goldstar Corporation was renamed "LG", (the abbreviation of "Lucky-Goldstar"). The company also associates the letters LG with the company's tagline "Life's Good", which is actually a backronym.
Taken from the wikipedia page for the Korean LG Corporation .
Lasonic and Lucky are the same company. When
i cleaned some Lasonics i had,the parts inside were writing Lucky
tbh some of the LPC range of the Lasonic but i ve seen a flagship
model too to be branded with the name Lucky (TRC920).
I m pretty sure i ve seen Lucky elsewhere, for example the TRC-913
Which is a rebranded Lasonic TRC913.
Here are some pics to support this :
lucky trc920.jpg
and some links for further reading :
plus a pic of the Lucky TRC-931
lucky trc 931.jpg
Now i want to share a pic of the Lasonic TRC-909 with the Lucky TRC-909N which is basically the same boombox with different face !
My opinion all this years is that Lasonic back in the day copied the Looks of Sanyo M7900 and Based it loosely for the bigger unit the famous Lasonic TRC-920.
Plus from my point f view the Lasonic TRC-918 is based also on the Sanyo M-9990 .
Chris thank you for all this info and i have to be honest that your reply to this topic and sharing the story that you bought a Lasonic directly from Alberts mother just moved me.
I couldnt agree more when you say that this brand is The most Iconic ever in terms of bringing the HIP-HOP culture to the World. All i know is that it had a huge impact .
Its a shame that Alberts Father don do any interviews because i am sure that he has so many stories to tell .
I am also convinced that Albert knows most of them !

I wish you all the best on bringing him to the Vegas meeting,
speaking in a workshop for all of you wired with a PA System made out of Vintage Lasonics.