In my experience some Craigslist sellers are and some aren’t aware of the value. Some don’t want the hassle of shipping and spending the next week hoping that the item arrives undamaged. And then there are the hassles of PayPal, etc.
If fact, a few weeks back I spied a ad on Craigslist for a almost brand new looking Weltron 2010 that was listed as ‘display’ for $100 or offer. It had been her parents and literally the thing looked right out of the box from 1978. It didn’t work though, just the lights. We haggled it down from $100 eventually agreeing on the bizarre price of $86. I brought it home and opened it up and first thing I saw was a blown fuse. $1 later and I had a completely mint working unit that could sell for $500 on EBay. She knew what they go for on EBay but didn’t want the hassle.
If some of us ‘old-timers’ can in some way tell the younger members on here about just being patient and that the bargain will come around eventually I don’t think that is a waste of time but a service. I can see the other side of the argument though as a lot of these sellers are just playing the game. But it is always fun to poke fun at them though
If fact, a few weeks back I spied a ad on Craigslist for a almost brand new looking Weltron 2010 that was listed as ‘display’ for $100 or offer. It had been her parents and literally the thing looked right out of the box from 1978. It didn’t work though, just the lights. We haggled it down from $100 eventually agreeing on the bizarre price of $86. I brought it home and opened it up and first thing I saw was a blown fuse. $1 later and I had a completely mint working unit that could sell for $500 on EBay. She knew what they go for on EBay but didn’t want the hassle.
If some of us ‘old-timers’ can in some way tell the younger members on here about just being patient and that the bargain will come around eventually I don’t think that is a waste of time but a service. I can see the other side of the argument though as a lot of these sellers are just playing the game. But it is always fun to poke fun at them though