"...and next up on the Antique Roadshow, we have an icon of the 20th century. Sir your name is? 'Hello, I'm Gordie' (Sporting his Montreal Thug Life Hockey Jersey). Welcome to the show Gordie, and what have you brought with you today? 'It's a 1981 Conion C100, fully working'. Yes I see, very nice. Now, from the looks of it, it was in storage for some time. Now, these do come up from time to time, but the original patina is just spectacular. If I was going to put a value on this item, I would put it in the (insert extravagant price here) range. ***Gordie with massive smile***. So, let me ask you Gordie, would you be interested in selling this item? 'oh no, I don't sell C100's'. There you have it folks, just a beautiful example of an item that represents the 1980's to a T. Next on the [SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Antique Roadshow, a Ming Vase...."[/SIZE]