2 New "GHETTO" Blasters (Pics)

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Lasonic TRC-920

caution said:
I can't wait until these start showing up on Antiques Roadshow and the "patina" is actually desirable! We'll all feel stupid for cleaning our finds!
"...and next up on the Antique Roadshow, we have an icon of the 20th century. Sir your name is? 'Hello, I'm Gordie' (Sporting his Montreal Thug Life Hockey Jersey). Welcome to the show Gordie, and what have you brought with you today? 'It's a 1981 Conion C100, fully working'. Yes I see, very nice. Now, from the looks of it, it was in storage for some time. Now, these do come up from time to time, but the original patina is just spectacular. If I was going to put a value on this item, I would put it in the (insert extravagant price here) range. ***Gordie with massive smile***. So, let me ask you Gordie, would you be interested in selling this item? 'oh no, I don't sell C100's'. There you have it folks, just a beautiful example of an item that represents the 1980's to a T. Next on the [SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Antique Roadshow, a Ming Vase...."[/SIZE]


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gsbadbmr said:
But do you really think this is possible Floyd? I'll admit i have probably heard more C-100's than anybody else...and still have many C-100's and this beater is THE one :thumbsup: . I have others in my collection also that are really really loud and powerful compared to most.
You know, I had a HELIX C100 box that was exactly as you describe, that was louder than all other C100's that I heard in the past. Skip helped me out on that one by putting in a new cassette motor and it was going to be my GEM C100 to keep. What was happening was the AMP or something in the amp circuitry was taking a ****. After just a few hours of play at low volume, it lost all sound. Pop. Done. Never figured out what happened but I couldn't get it to live again.

I kept the cassette deck with new motor in the Helix, but swapped the rest of the guts out of my Clairtone and put it in the Helix case. I sold the Clairtone case with Helix guts on epay as-is not working......

Here is when I found the Helix:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
"...and next up on the Antique Roadshow, we have an icon of the 20th century. Sir your name is? 'Hello, I'm Gordie' (Sporting his Montreal Thug Life Hockey Jersey). Welcome to the show Gordie, and what have you brought with you today? 'It's a 1981 Conion C100, fully working'. Yes I see, very nice. Now, from the looks of it, it was in storage for some time. Now, these do come up from time to time, but the original patina is just spectacular. If I was going to put a value on this item, I would put it in the (insert extravagant price here) range. ***Gordie with massive smile***. So, let me ask you Gordie, would you be interested in selling this item? 'oh no, I don't sell C100's'. There you have it folks, just a beautiful example of an item that represents the 1980's to a T. Next on the [SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Antique Roadshow, a Ming Vase...."[/SIZE]
:lol:...That's pretty much of how it would go down :lol:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Right down to the Montreal Hockey Jersey! :-D

Yup...i represent my city to the FULLEST :thumbsup:



Member (SA)
Hey, Chris you forgot one thing that the Antique Road Show auctioneers usually say in the end:

"I would have this insured for $25,000 dollars" then you hear the bling sound with the price at the bottom. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
No doubt that would be awesome :-) You know they usually have appraisers with expertise in specific areas, I wonder who would work well for that job? haha


Member (SA)
caution said:
No doubt that would be awesome :-) You know they usually have appraisers with expertise in specific areas, I wonder who would work well for that job? haha
That's easy Mr. Ira himself.
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