Can't hold back anymore!

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Member (SA)
Well it seems the cancer is back and this time it's in the Prostate.

3rd one ladies and gentlemen and the worst part being that I'm still in my early 50's it can be an aggressive cancer.

So the doctor aka: "butcher" is recommending to remove the Prostate. No more semen bye bye, but the question is will it affect what we like to call "Our Manhood"!

Only time will tell on that issue.

Three times this motherfucker has tried to **** my life up. :nonono:

Well bring it on!!


Member (SA)
Dude that is harsh news, very hard to read.

I truly feel for you but i admire your spirit and determination. Beat this thing and kick its ass.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
fark cancer. I have read that having your prostate removed will not effect your abilities.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Juan, I hate to hear this. You've beaten that "C" biatch twice; I don't see why you can't beat it again. Stay strong, brother. :rock:


Member (SA)
Such terrible news and an awful situation to find yourself in, absolutely terrible. From the bottom of my heart I hope that you'll enjoy many healthy & happy years following the procedure, I wish you the very best for a fulfilling life.

Lasonic TRC-920

Oh man, my heart is with ya. I'm sorry to here this. Your one strong man to have kicked it's arse before, I know you can do it again. Stay positive. You can do it!


Member (SA)
Thanks to all of you for your well wishes it really means a lot.

Many tears and asking the big guy up there why?

I've been wanting to share this with you guys for awhile but I was just not ready, but this community has always been there for so many.

I feel that this is family that really shares just about everything in their daily lives and its nice to know that!!

God Bless,
One Love!

Yeah this thing is going to meet an angel named Michael!!!!!!!!!!!!


Member (SA)
It's confession time: The circumstances in which you find yourself along with you candid disclosure and remarkable bravery made me weep, in part due to your situation but also because the happiness & satisfaction that I feel when I believe you'll pull through this, continuing to enjoy life. I fully understand how it feels to have cancer in the family so my heart goes out to you.

Lasonic TRC-920

I believe so much of this illness is attitude. If you start out defeated you'll have a tougher time digging your way back. I also believe that surrounding yourself with people who love and support you will also increase your power and strength. Add in the fact that you live in a time period of amazing medical technology and many options are available to you that weren't just a few years ago.


Lastly, you have so many people on this site that you can PM at any time, myself included should you every want to get it off your chest. Never forget that.


Member (SA)
This is never good news, I'm sorry to hear it man. You seem to have to spirit and attitude to beat it again. That's a great thing to have. I wish you the best, and hope the big man above can help you.

That's always the question, why would he/she let this happen, or keep happening. Unfortunately we never know, I've come to simply believe that he tries to help everyone, but gets distracted and just isn't always there.

I hope this will be the last bout of it for you and that you can live the rest of your life healthy and happy. Please let us know how it's going throughout this. We're here for ya.

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Stay strong Juan you're one of my faves on here, that photo of you as a youngun with you're m90 is so effin cool, god be with you my man :-)


Member (SA)
So sorry to hear this Juan but I know you will prevail!
Positive mindset helps as I know from what you all have been telling me.
Best of luck my friend!


Boomus Fidelis
Best wishes man ,if you have something you enjoy that keeps you busy plus some good mothfucking lafter is good medicine.rock on!.
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